Trailing Jade Plant: Care, Propagation, and More

Trailing Jade Plant: Care, Propagation, and More

If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant that will bring beauty to your home, look no further than the Trailing Jade Plant! This plant is native to South Africa and is known for its trailing vines and glossy green leaves. In this article, we will discuss the care requirements for Trailing Jade Plants, how to propagate them, and some common problems that you may encounter. We hope that this information will help you become a successful Trailing Jade Plant owner!

What Is Trailing Jade?

Trailing Jade is a type of succulent plant that is native to South Africa. It is known for its long, trailing vines and glossy green leaves. These plants are very easy to care for and make great houseplants!

Trailing Jade plants prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate some direct sun. They should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch, about once a week. Over-watering can lead to root rot, so it’s important to let the soil dry out completely between waterings.[1]

Trailing Jade Facts


The Trailing Jade Plant is a succulent that originates from South Africa. It has long, thin leaves that are dark green in color with a reddish tinge. The plant can grow up to three feet in length and has a trailing habit, making it ideal for hanging baskets or as ground cover.

Trailing Jade Facts Description

Trailing Jade Plants are not frost hardy and should be brought indoors during the winter months. They prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions. Water when the soil is dry to the touch and fertilize monthly during the growing season.[3]


Trailing Jade Plants are native to South Africa, specifically the southwestern Cape Province. In their natural habitat, they grow on rocky slopes and cliffs near the ocean. They’re also known to grow in scrubland and forests.

These plants are succulents, which means they store water in their leaves and stems. This adaptation allows them to survive in dry climates with little rainfall.[3]

PH Preference

If you’re looking for a plant that is easy to care for and can tolerate neglect, then the trailing jade plant is a great choice! This succulent is native to South Africa and has long been used as a houseplant in many parts of the world. The trailing jade plant is an evergreen with thick, fleshy leaves that are green or variegated with white or yellow. The stems of this plant can grow up to three feet long, making it ideal for hanging baskets or cascading over the edge of a pot.[3]

Vivarium Type

One of the great things about trailing jade plants is that they can be grown in a wide variety of vivariums. Whether you have a humid tropical terrarium or a hot, dry desert setup, these little guys can usually find a way to adapt and thrive. If you’re not sure what kind of vivarium you have, check out our article on types of vivariums.[3]

Vivarium Placement

To allow your trailing jade plant to thrive, it’s important to give some thought to where you place it in your vivarium. As with all succulents, good drainage is key so that the roots don’t rot. You’ll also want to make sure it gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. If your vivarium doesn’t get enough light, you may need to supplement with grow lights.[3]


The trailing jade plant is succulent, so it doesn’t need too much substrate. A well-draining substrate is important to prevent the roots from rotting. You can use a cactus mix or make your own with equal parts sand and potting soil.

Pots for trailing jade plants should have drainage holes to help excess water escape. If your pot doesn’t have drainage holes, you can drill some yourself or add rocks to the bottom of the pot to improve drainage.[3]

Common Uses of Trailing Jade Plants

One of the most common uses for trailing jade plants is as a ground cover. They can also be used in hanging baskets or as climbers on trellises. Trailing jade plants are low-maintenance and require minimal care, making them ideal for busy people or those new to plant care.

Trailing jade plants can also be used indoors, provided they have enough light. They make excellent houseplants and are known to purify the air, so they’re a great choice if you’re looking to improve your indoor air quality.[1]

Sunlight Requirement

Trailing jade plants, or “Crassula argentea” need bright, indirect sunlight to maintain their shape and color. If they don’t get enough light, their leaves will start to stretch out and become leggy. However, too much direct sunlight can scorch their leaves. So if you live in a particularly sunny climate, it’s best to place your trailing jade plant in a spot where it will only get partial sun throughout the day.

Sunlight Requirement

To ensure that your trailing jade plant is getting the right amount of light, pay attention to the color of its leaves. If they start to turn yellow or pale green, that means it’s not getting enough light and you should move it to a brighter spot.[2]

Watering Procedure

Water your trailing jade plant when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. Allow the plant to dry out completely before watering it again. Water thoroughly, until water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Do not let your jade plant sit in water.

Jade plants are drought tolerant and can withstand long periods without water. However, they will grow faster and produce more leaves if they are watered on a regular basis. During hot summer months, you may need to water your jade plant more often than usual.[2]

Ideal Temperature.

The ideal temperature for a Trailing Jade Plant is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. If the plant gets too cold, the leaves will start to drop off. If it gets too hot, the leaves will begin to curl.

To keep your Trailing Jade Plant healthy, make sure that you keep an eye on the temperature and adjust accordingly![2]

Humidity Requirement

One of the great things about trailing jade plants is that they are very tolerant of different humidity levels. Whether you live in a dry or humid climate, your plant will likely do just fine. However, if you want your plant to thrive, it’s best to keep the humidity around 50%.

You can increase the humidity around your plant by placing it on a pebble tray or grouping it with other plants. Misting your plant regularly will also help to increase the humidity. Just be sure not to mist the leaves too often as this can cause them to fall off.[2]

Correct Soil Mix

The first step is to make sure you have the right soil mix. This plant prefers well-drained soil that’s on the drier side. You can either purchase a succulent potting mix or make your own by mixing together equal parts of potting soil, perlite, and coarse sand. Once you have your mix ready, it’s time to report your trailing jade plant.

First, gently remove the plant from its current pot. If the roots are tightly bound, carefully loosen them with your fingers before replanting. Next, add a layer of gravel to the bottom of the new pot for drainage and then fill it with your prepared soil mix. Gently pat down the mix around the roots and water thoroughly.[2]

Your trailing jade plant will need to be repotted every two to three years. When repotting, you can either keep the plant in its current pot and simply replace the old soil with fresh mix or move it up to a pot that’s one size larger.

Types of container

Types of container

As with any plant, the type of container you use will affect how well your Trailing Jade Plant grows. Terracotta pots are a good option as they allow the soil to dry out between watering, and they’re also relatively inexpensive. If you’re looking for something a little more stylish, glazed ceramic pots are also an option. Just make sure that they have drainage holes in the bottom so that excess water can escape.[2]

Feeding with Fertilizers

Trailing Jade Plants are not heavy feeders, but they will benefit from being fed with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season. Use a liquid fertilizer or a slow-release granular fertilizer and apply it according to the manufacturer’s directions. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as this can burn the roots of the plant.

Jade Plants are generally tolerant of most soil types, but they prefer well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, you can improve drainage by mixing in some sand or perlite. You can also grow Jade Plants in pots filled with a commercial potting mix formulated for succulents.[2]

Blooming Environment

To get your trailing jade plant to flower, you will need to provide it with the correct environment. This means giving it bright light and well-draining soil. If you can, place it near a south- or west-facing window. If you live in a hot climate, make sure to protect your plant from direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.[2]

Pest Control

Jade Plants are not typically bothered by pests, but mealybugs and aphids can be a problem. Mealybugs especially love to hide in the cracks and crevices of the plant, so keep an eye out for them. If you see any pests on your plant, you can remove them with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

As far as diseases go, Jade Plants are pretty resistant. However, they can get fungal diseases if they’re overwatered or if the soil is too damp. The best way to avoid this is to make sure you’re not watering your plant more than necessary and that the pot has good drainage.[2]


To propagate a trailing jade plant, start by taking a leaf cutting from the mother plant. Make sure the cutting has at least two leaves, and that each leaf has a stem attached to it. Cut the stems at an angle so that they can easily absorb water. Place the cuttings in a pot or container filled with well-draining soil, and water them regularly. Keep them in a warm, sunny spot until they start to grow new leaves, which can take several weeks. Once they’ve started to grow, you can then transplant them into their own pots.


Jade plants are easy to propagate from cuttings, but you can also propagate them from seed. To do this, sow the seeds in a pot or container filled with well-draining soil. Water them regularly, and keep them in a warm, sunny spot. Once the seedlings have sprouted, you can then transplant them into their own pots.[2]

Repotting the Plant for Healthy Growth

Jade plants are not heavy feeders, so you don’t need to repot them every year. In fact, they prefer to be slightly pot-bound. But when you do need to report, do it in spring or early summer.

Use a clean pot that’s only slightly larger than the jade plant’s current pot. Be sure there are drainage holes in the bottom of the new pot. Add fresh potting mix to the new pot, and then gently remove the jade plant from its current pot.

Place the jade plant in the new pot, and fill in around it with more fresh potting mix. Water thoroughly.[2]

Cure Diseases

If your jade plant is infected with a disease, you can try to cure it by using a copper fungicide. Mix the copper fungicide with water and spray it on the affected areas of the plant. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully. You should also remove any infected leaves from the plant.

Jade plants are susceptible to mealybugs and spider mites. Mealybugs are small, white insects that suck the sap out of plants. Spider mites are tiny spiders that spin webs on plants. If you see either of these pests on your jade plant, you can treat them with an insecticidal soap or neem oil.[2]

Regular Pruning

Pruning is key to keeping your plant happy and healthy! You should prune your trailing jade plant every few weeks, or as needed. When pruning, be sure to remove any dead leaves or stems. You can also trim back any long or leggy growth.

Regular Pruning

To encourage fuller growth, you can pinch back the tips of the stems. Pinching back the stem will cause the plant to branch out and become bushier.

Trailing jade plants are relatively low-maintenance plants. However, regular pruning will help keep them looking their best![2]

Avoid the Plant’s Toxicity on your Pets

The trailing jade plant is considered mildly toxic to both dogs and cats if ingested. The ASPCA reports that the plant contains saponins, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in pets.

If your pet ingests any part of the plant, it’s important to contact your veterinarian right away.

While the plant isn’t lethal, it can still make your pet very sick. Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite

If you believe your pet has ingested any part of a trailing jade plant, contact your veterinarian or local animal hospital immediately. With prompt treatment, most pets will recover within a few days without any lasting effects.

To avoid any potential problems, keep your trailing jade plant out of reach of pets and children. If you have small children in your home, it’s best to err on the side of caution and choose a different plant for your indoor garden.[2]

Tips for Growing Trailing Jade

Trailing Jade Plants are a great choice for anyone looking for an easy-to-care-for, low maintenance plant. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Choose a location with bright, indirect light. Trailing Jade Plants will do best in an east or west facing window. If you don’t have a spot like that in your home, you can also grow them under fluorescent lights.

Water your Trailing Jade Plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Allow the water to run through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot and then empty any excess water that remains in the saucer. Water less frequently in winter, when growth is slower.[1]


How do I get more branches on my jade plant?

To encourage more branching, pinch back the growing tips of your jade plant. This will cause the plant to grow bushier rather than taller.

Jade plants are easy to propagate from cuttings. Take a cutting that includes a couple of leaves and some stem, and place it in water or moist soil. Within a few weeks, you should see new growth appearing on the cutting. Once the roots are well-established, you can transplant the cutting into a pot of its own.

How do I thicken my jade stem?

How do I thicken my jade stem?

One way to thicken your jade stem is by doing what’s called “tipping.” Tipping is when you cut off the tips of the plant’s stems. This encourages the plant to produce more growth at the tips, which will in turn make the stems thicker.

To tip your jade, simply use a sharp knife or pair of scissors to snip off the tips of the stems. Be sure to make clean cuts so that the plant can heal quickly. You can do this every few weeks or so, as needed.

Do jade plants like small pots?

Jade plants are not particularly fussy when it comes to pot size. In fact, they actually prefer to be a little snug in their pots as this encourages them to stay compact and bushy. However, if your jade plant is starting to look a bit cramped, then it’s time to give it a new home! Just make sure that you don’t go too big with the pot as this can lead to problems with watering (more on that later).

Does Jade like full sun?

Jade plants love full sun, but can tolerate partial shade. They need at least four hours of direct sunlight each day to thrive. If your jade plant is not getting enough light, it will start to stretch and become leggy.

To avoid this, make sure to place your jade plant in an area that gets plenty of bright light. If you live in a climate with very hot summers, you may want to provide some afternoon shade to prevent your plant from scorching.

Do jade plants like to be crowded?

No, jade plants don’t like to be crowded. They prefer to have a bit of space around them so they can spread out. If you’re growing multiple jade plants together, make sure to give them each enough room to grow.

Useful Video: How To Propagate Jade Plant From Stem & Leaf Cutting | Watering | Sunlight | Transplant & Care


We hope you enjoyed learning everything you need to know about trailing jade plants! With proper care and propagation, these plants can make a great addition to any home. Thanks for reading!

Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below. We would love to hear from you!Happy Planting!

