Philodendron Atom Care Guide for Beginners

Philodendron Atom Care Guide for Beginners

The philodendron atom is a beautiful and elegant plant that does well in either high or low light conditions. It can grow as tall as 30 cm, but it also grows beautifully when confined to a pot [1]. If you’re new to the world of houseplants, this article will cover everything you need to know about philodendrons!

Types of Philodendron

There are over 800 types of philodendrons, but the most common one is Philodendron scandens or oxycardium [2]. This type has heart-shaped leaves and grows up to three feet long.

It’s also called an “elephant ear plant” because its leaves resemble elephant ears from afar!

Another common type is the Philodendron bipinnatifidum [3]. This plant has long, narrow leaves that are either solid green or variegated. If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant with a big impact, this is a good choice!

Heartleaf philodendron is one of the most simple-to-grow philodendrons. It’s easy to grow in a variety of light conditions and forgiving if you don’t care for it. Heartleaf philodendron features fast-growing, heart-shaped leaves that turn golden before becoming glossy green. If allowed to climb, the leaves may be up to 2 inches broad and up to 8 inches long. With vines that reach 4 or 5 feet indoors, it’s a lovely hanging plant.

Philodendron Hope Selloum is well-known for its sculptural, eye-catching leaves, and it has been seen on Instagram feeds and in designer homes. This houseplant will thrive if you place it in a location with bright, indirect light and keep the soil wet but not overwatered. If the plant begins to lean toward the sun, rotate the container every few days.

The sturdy, glossy green leaves of the Imperial Green and Imperial Red varieties of Philodendron are outstanding ornamental plants. The young leaves of the imperial red variety are a brilliant crimson that matures to burgundy red-purple and ultimately dark glossy green. Both types have broad leaves that spread out in all directions, making them ideal foliage plants for any location. Both imperial strains thrive on indirect light with a range from moderate to bright.

Philodendron Prince of Orange is a good-looking plant with bright orange leaves that mature to a brilliant green. This uncommon plant produces a tight cluster of leaves surrounding a central stem, and the leafstalk and new leaf spears are vivid deep red. The Prince of Orange requires medium to bright, indirect sunlight but can withstand shadiness [4].

Philodendron Atom Care Tips

Light Requirements

These plants adapt well to a wide range of light conditions. Bright, indirect light is best for the heartleaf type – it should not be exposed to direct sunlight that can scorch its leaves. The other types prefer moderate or low lighting and are tolerant of shadier conditions.

Keep in mind that if you keep your plant near a window with any exposure at all (even west), leaf burn may occur depending on how long it’s left in the sun each day. Also, consider whether there will be breezes coming through the windows where you place your philodendron as these plants cannot tolerate drafts either.

If your home tends toward overcast weather, try placing your plant next to an east-facing window where it will receive morning light.

Temperature Needs

These species enjoy a wide range of temperatures, but they do not like cold drafts or sudden changes. If you’re keeping your plant on an indoor patio during the summertime, make sure it doesn’t stay outside at night as this will cause its leaves to drop.

Philodendron Atom Care Tips

Perfectly, plants should be kept at temperatures between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit [5]. During the day, a little more heat is beneficial, while at night, keeping your home cool will benefit your plant immensely.

If viewing conditions are too hot and dry for your philodendron (or if there’s no humidity), then water loss from transpiration can occur more quickly than the roots’ absorption capabilities. In this case, the leaves will turn a dull green and begin to droop. If you’re not sure whether your plant needs water, check for wetness by sticking your finger into the soil down to about an inch or two. If it feels dry down there then it’s time to water!


Pruning has both advantages and disadvantages for the plant. Shaping your plant by eliminating its foliage is also a fantastic technique to do so. However, it should only be done when necessary.

It’s okay to trim your plant all year if it doesn’t have enough space, or before yellowing leaves spread throughout the plant.


You don’t need to fertilize your philodendron considerably, but a few applications each year will produce excellent results. In the summer, when the plant is growing actively, you should fertilize once a month. The plant does not need to be fertilized as frequently in the winter since it is not actively developing.

Here are some of the most important nutrients to look for in your fertilizer for better growth and development:

  • Nitrogen;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorous;
  • Calcium;

Liquid fertilizer will be better than a slow-release for this plant because you may regulate the quantity used and when it is utilized.

Slow-release pellets are preferable for plants that require more nutrition, but liquid fertilizer will be enough to help your your plant flourish. During the cooler months, you may only need to use it once every 6 weeks. Feed your atom once a month during the summer.


The finest soil for the philodendron atom is one that retains a lot of moisture. It should also drain properly, without losing too much water. If you really want to see your philodendron thrive, try sprinkling in some nutrient-dense dirt to imitate its natural habitat. The following are some of the most important factors to consider while selecting soil:

  • One part perlite;
  • One part peat moss;
  • One part standard potting soil;
  • Orchid bark, compost, or composted orchid bark added in for nutritional value;

This plant thrives in soil with an alkaline pH, which is defined as anything above a 7 on the pH scale [6]. If desired, you may add garden lime to raise the pH level.

Most philodendrons can tolerate minor fluctuations in pH, but proceed cautiously!


Most varieties of Philodendron need humidity, but not all are suited to growing atop wet pebble trays or in terrariums. If you do choose this method of raising the humidity around your plant, make sure that there’s at least one spot on top of the soil where air can circulate so that its leaves aren’t always sitting in water and rotting from fungal diseases may occur.

If you haven’t seen significant growth from your philodendron in several months (especially if its leaves are falling off), try increasing humidity around it. You can do this by placing pebbles in saucers of water near the pot or misting frequently with a spray bottle.

Keep your home humid by using a room humidifier during the winter months when heating systems dry out the indoor air. Also, be sure to mist plants with distilled water at least once every three days if they’re kept inside year-round.


It’s a good idea to repot your philodendron atom every two or three years if it has been growing for that long. It is best to wait until you see new growth before disturbing the roots, but this can be difficult since they’re so shallow and delicate. It’s time to re-pot your atom if its roots are poking out of the drainage holes.

When transplanting a young plant, choose a larger-sized container from your previous one, carefully remove it, and set it in the new container with a fresh soil (dirt) mixture before watering.

After carefully removing the plant from its container, examine how many roots have begun circling around inside its pot because these may not survive being transplanted into larger soil. Gently pull upon them with an index finger to try breaking any of those bonds between root hairs – this will make transplanting much easier!

Once you’ve successfully removed one-half of the old soil (putting aside some in case there are excess rotted leaves), apply fresh dirt and plant your philodendron in the same position as before.

Once you have filled back the remainder of old soil and placed a layer atop new dirt, add some water to help settle everything into its proper place – don’t be surprised if it looks like there’s too much space around your plant! Immediately after transplanting, make sure to give your atom regular drinks until roots start appearing from drainage holes at least once every three days.


It is simple to plant Philodendron cuttings. Cut them around 6 inches long and place them in a container of water to grow roots.

Rooting hormones can help your new plant thrive, but they’re not always required. Once you notice more roots growing, transplant them into moist soil.

How To Water Your Philodendron Atoms?

One of the most crucial elements of philodendron atom care is ensuring that your plant receives adequate water. Fortunately, this plant is less demanding than other houseplants in terms of watering! It may be integrated into a routine with ease and does not require much effort.

The Philodendron Atom’s growth time is in the warmer months, particularly spring and summer. During the growing season, you should water this plant once a week and fully wet the soil as you do so.

Allow at least an inch of time between waterings for the soil to dry completely at least 2 inches down. The vegetation prefers its soil to be moist closer to the root system, but overwatering can be harmful to development.

In the off-season (fall through winter), you may wait up to 2 weeks between waterings, closer to every other week. This is due to the fact that because the plant does not require as many nutrients since it isn’t growing much, it doesn’t need to use as much energy.

Don’t water from above a philodendron plant, as the leaves do not absorb water. Make sure you water near the ground and cover the pot’s entire width. Yellow leaves may appear if you are overwatering.

Brown leaves may indicate overwatering. Observe your plant’s leaves, soil dryness, and general posture to determine whether it needs extra water.

Common Philodendron Atom Problems

Root Rot

Root rot is a common and serious disease that affects philodendrons. It happens when the roots of your plant become moist, causing them to decay and eventually die off completely.

To prevent root rot from occurring make sure you never water or mist the leaves of your Philodendron Atom. The wetness will cause bacteria growth in soil which can lead to rotting insects – so no contact with water!

If it gets too cold outside for this houseplant, place it near a window where there’s sunlight during the wintertime. As fall turns into winter, keep an eye on its health as well as provide just enough light —it might need extra care indoors if left in darkness for long periods!

Avoid applying fertilizer at all costs as it will only make the problem worse! If your plant is already affected by root rot, there’s a chance that its leaves may start yellowing on their own without any explanation. This happens because roots cannot absorb water properly so nutrients aren’t distributed throughout the entire plant – sometimes resulting in leaf loss with no hope of recovery.

If possible, carefully remove excess dirt from around the base of your philodendron atom to expose some healthy roots underneath—this can help identify whether or not they’re beginning to decay and die off. However, if parts of them appear brown due to lack of moisture then it’s too late.

Dropping Leaves or Plant Deformation

Dropping leaves or plant deformation can be caused by several issues that you’ll need to address. For example, if your Philodendron Atom is experiencing drooping leaves then it’s probably due to overwatering – so cut back on the watering routine!

If only some of its foliage appears yellow and wilted instead (with green stems), this may indicate underwatering.

If your houseplant isn’t receiving enough sunlight nor has enough space for adequate growth, this will cause lower leaves to die off until there are none left at all. Once this happens, replace what was lost with fresh new ones through propagation methods like rooting in water or re-potting into soil!

Leaves Turning Yellow

It’s normal for philodendron atom leaves to turn yellow over time, but if it happens too rapidly then that may be a sign of overwatering. To prevent this problem from occurring:

Keep soil moist by watering frequently (but not excessively) and wait until the top inch is dry before giving it another sip. Don’t water plants with cold or ice-cold tap water as extreme temperature changes can cause leaf drooping! If you do experience this issue after taking care of your plant, make sure there are no leaks in its pot or around its base where moisture accumulates easily—this will keep roots safe instead!

If your Philodendron Atom has grown large enough so that stems begin winding around each other, you can remove some of them to create more space for growth. This only works if the plant doesn’t rely on support from others in order to stand upright (so that it doesn’t fall over).

If you notice yellow leaves but don’t see any insects then this is likely due to a lack of nutrients! Fertilize philodendrons every three weeks with a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer during spring and summertime – you’ll need about one tablespoon per gallon of water, so adjust accordingly depending on your pot’s size. You may also want to repot or transplant into bigger containers that hold plenty of soil!

If all else fails, move your Philodendron Atom outside when temperatures are warmer because they do not like living indoors for too long.

Brown Spots on Leaves

If brown spots are appearing on your philodendron’s leaves, this can be due to a lack of humidity as well as calcium. To fix the problem:

Mist plant leaves daily by spraying them with water from a spray bottle – this will help keep up its moisture levels so it doesn’t experience leaf problems such as those caused by spider mites or other insects! If you need an alternative solution for dry air indoors then consider using room humidifiers that won’t cause mold and mildew growth over time.

Make sure there is enough space between roots and lower pot walls because too much contact may result in damaged and rotting ones (and possibly root rot). Additionally, make sure soil isn’t packed tightly around the base since compacted soil prevents roots from getting the oxygen they need.

If you’re growing your philodendron outdoors then spray it with water at least once a day (if possible) to prevent brown spots and leaf damage! For indoor-grown plants, make sure you only water when the top inch of soil is dry or else risk causing root rot instead. You can also use drip irrigation methods if excess moisture accumulates around its base – this will help provide moist but not soggy conditions for healthy plant growth!

If all other options fail and there’s no way to fix these issues naturally, take your Philodendron Atom outside into warmer weather until winter comes because it cannot handle cold temperatures over time. Any brown spots that occur after moving it back indoors will likely be permanent.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are a common problem with philodendrons, so you need to keep an eye out for them especially if your plant is grown indoors. Mites will spin webs around the outside of leaves and under stems as well as cause yellowing or brown spots on leaves! If this happens:

  • Wash off plants gently by spraying water from a spray bottle onto its top and bottom sides;
  • Remove badly infested parts with tweezers—only do this with houseplants that cannot be saved otherwise since they can spread pests throughout others nearby. Carefully dispose of infected leaves in sealed garbage bags after removing them from pots carefully;
  • Take cuttings from healthy areas (such as areas unaffected by spider mite damage) and start over from scratch;
  • Use a magnifying glass to check for spider mites on your plant’s top and bottom sides – if you spot webs then carefully remove them with tweezers or spray affected parts off with water from a spray bottle;
  • You may also want to use insecticidal soap since it kills pests without causing harm to humans! If there are still problems after this step, consider taking cuttings in the hopes of avoiding permanent damage caused by these bugs;


If you don’t live in a tropical planting zone, your philodendron will need to be overwintered indoors. When the weather starts to get colder, many popular houseplants and tropical plants thrive inside. They also adjust quickly to indoor circumstances.

When the temperatures begin to drop and the days get shorter, you should reduce watering. Only water the plant when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch.

Before bringing them inside, cut away any long leggy stems or yellowing stems. Before you bring them in for the season, inspect for signs of decay, mold, or insects.

Philodendron Atoms and most other Araceae plants can be taken outdoors once temperatures are warmer because they cannot handle cold conditions over time. It is best to place them near a fence or wall so they don’t catch too much wind, and you may want to tie their stems with twine as well!

Make sure that the soil isn’t wet before placing it back inside since this places your plant at risk for root rot outbreaks.


Is the Philderon safe for cats?

The toxicity of the philodendron family, which includes the Swiss cheese plant, heartleaf, and fiddle-leaf philodendron, is low to moderate for cats and dogs.

Oral irritation, discomfort, and swelling in the mouth, tongue, and lips are common. Vomiting, difficulties with swallowing are also possible [7].

What is the Philodendron dormancy period?

In the winter, philodendrons enter a dormant state, which means they are essentially sleeping [8]. Because of the minimal light and cold temperatures, it can’t develop very much, so you may see sluggish development or no growth during this time. That is perfectly normal – don’t get upset!

What’s the difference between Philodendrons and Pothos?

The philodendron is a genus of tropical plants with variously shaped and colored leaves. The heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron scandens oxycardium) is the most popular variety. It’s a fast-growing vine plant with heart-shaped dark green foliage on long, flexible vines. This plant grows fast. Because they can tolerate low light and wide temperature swings, philodendrons are liked by most people.

Pothos comes in a variety of forms and colors. The pothos (also known as “Devil’s Ivy”) is a tropical vine that grows in the wild. The distinction is that it has glossy, gleaming leaves with gold, white, or yellow markings.

Silver pothos (Epipremnum aureum “Marble Queen”) is the most popular type of pothos because it has smooth, waxy leaves variegated with white, especially when young. Pothos requires somewhat more light and warmer temperatures than philodendrons do. In fact, to develop good leaf markings and variegation, pothos needs higher light levels.

How often should you water a Philodendron Super Atom?

The Philodendron Super Atom plant is native to the tropical rainforest of Central and South America. These plants are known for their rapid growth, which means that you will need to water them occasionally in order to prevent wilting. You should allow the top few inches of soil to dry out before watering again.

Make sure not to overwater since this plant does not like soggy roots. Your best bet is allowing the top three inches of the soil underneath your pot to dry out completely between waterings.

Are Philodendrons good for beginners?

Philodendrons are one of the easiest houseplants to grow, and they do well with low light levels. Because philodendron plants like warmth and humidity, these make great indoor plants. They also clean your home’s air and remove toxins such as formaldehyde from carpets and fabrics!

How big do philodendron atoms get?

The Philodendron Atom (Philodendron Selloum) is a tiny, tropical indoor plant with glossy lobe-shaped leaves. It grows to 30cm tall and 20cm broad, making it an adorable addition to your living room’s shade [9].

Do philodendrons like sun or shade?

The Philodendron prefers shade to full sun. You should place it in a lightly shaded area for the best results, but if you don’t have any trees around your home, try placing it along an east or west-facing wall so that it can catch some light without being scorched by direct sunlight.

Is Philodendron an indoor plant?

Philodendrons are some of the easiest indoor plants to grow. They have a tropical appearance and can be found growing in trees on small islands near Madagascar. In their native habitat, they love the shade and filtered sunlight.

They do well under artificial light or bright windows with indirect sun exposure. If you’re looking for low-maintenance houseplants, these are perfect choices!

Do Philodendrons like to be root bound?

Philodendron plants are considered to be adaptable, but they do not like being root-bound. You can tell if your plant is becoming root-bound when the leaves begin to yellow or droop. If you notice this happening, it’s time for some serious pruning of its roots! Also, consider repotting if the plant roots are too large for your pot.

Should you mist your Philodendron?

Misting up at the edges of your Philodendron is a good way to increase humidity, but it’s very important not to overwater. If you notice that the leaves are turning yellow or brown, this could be due either to low moisture levels or high temperatures (over 70°F). Try misting daily and moving your plant away from hot radiators and drafts until new growth appears.

Useful Video: Philodendron Atom, Update, Care Tips

