How to Make a DIY Moss Pole for Plants?

How to Make a DIY Moss Pole for Plants?

Moss poles are essential tools for indoor gardening, providing support and mimicking the natural growth habit of climbing or vining plants. Creating a DIY moss pole is an economical and satisfying project that can enhance the health and aesthetic appeal of your indoor plants. In this tutorial, you will learn about the steps to create your own moss pole, allowing your plants to thrive in an environment that mimics their natural habitat.

Materials and Tools

To make a DIY moss pole, that you require the following materials and tools:

  1. Coir or Sphagnum Moss: These types of moss are excellent for moss poles due to their ability to retain moisture and support plant growth.
  2. PVC Pipe or Bamboo Stake: Any sturdy, long cylindrical object will work as the core of your moss pole.
  3. Twine or Gardening Wire: This is used to bind the moss to the pole.
  4. Water Spray Bottle: A spray bottle will be needed to moisten the moss.
  5. Scissors: For cutting the twine or wire.
  6. Gloves: To protect your hands while handling the moss.

Gather all your materials before you begin, to ensure a smooth and efficient working process.[1]

Materials and Tools


Soak Your Sphagnum Moss In Water

Here is the practical approach to soaking sphagnum peat prior to placing it on the moss column. Firstly, fill a clean bucket or basin with lukewarm water, and immerse the sphagnum moss in it. The moss may float initially, but it will eventually sink as it absorbs water. It’s important to note that sphagnum moss can absorb and retain a large amount of water, which is why it’s ideal for this purpose. Allow the moss to soak approximately 30 min. Carefully squeeze out the surplus after soaking water from the moss, but ensure it still remains damp. The moss is now ready to be wrapped around your pole.

Bend The Hardware Mesh Into A Cylinder

The next step in making your DIY moss pole involves forming a mesh of equipment into a column. Start by unrolling the mesh sheet on a flat surface. Using gloves to protect your hands, carefully fold the net into a cylindrical shape that matches the diameter of the PVC pipe or bamboo stake you’re using. The cylinder should be the same height as your pole. Once you’ve shaped it, secure the edges together using gardening wire or zip ties. Ensure the cylinder is firm and retains its shape but is also flexible enough to fit onto the pole. The hardware mesh cylinder will act as a support structure for the moss and facilitate attachment to the pole. It also creates a reservoir for water, allowing the moss to stay hydrated and ensure the required moisture content for your climbing plants.

Cut The Hardware Mesh

After shaping the hardware mesh into a cylinder, examine it to check if any extra mesh protrudes from the top. If it does, you’ll need to trim it to match the height of your pole. To do this, wear safety gloves and use a pair of wire cutters to trim the excess hardware mesh. Be careful not to leave any sharp edges that could potentially harm you or your plants. Once you’re done trimming, you should have a hardware mesh cylinder that fits perfectly onto your PVC pipe or bamboo stake. Remember, the mesh should be tight enough to hold the moss but flexible enough to allow for easy watering and plant growth.

Cut The Hardware Mesh

Form The Hardware Mesh Into An Open Cylinder

The essential step in the establishment of your moss column involves forming the hardware mesh into an open cylinder. Begin by unrolling the mesh, laying it flat on your work surface. With your gloves on to protect your hands, start bending the mesh into a cylindrical shape; it should be approximately the same diameter as your pole. Ensure that one end of the cylinder is open, which will allow you to slide it over the pole later. Once you’ve achieved the desired shape, secure the edges together using either garden wire or zip ties. This mesh cylinder will serve as the skeleton for your moss pole, offering support to the moss and making it simpler to fix to the pole. Extra caution to ensure the cylinder is sturdy but flexible enough to insert onto the pole.

Fill The Cylinder With Pre-Moistened Sphagnum Moss

The next stage in creating your DIY moss pole involves packing the hardware mesh cylinder with your pre-moistened sphagnum moss. Begin by taking handfuls of the damp moss and firmly packing it into the open end of the mesh cylinder. Continue this process, ensuring to evenly distribute the moss along the length of the cylinder, until you’ve filled the entire structure. The moss should be packed tightly enough to remain in place, but not so dense as to prevent water absorption and air flow. Remember, the primary function of the moss pole is to mimic the plant’s natural growing conditions, providing a moist and supportive structure for the climbing plant to latch onto. Once your mesh cylinder is completely filled with moss, you can progress to attaching it to the pole.

Stitch Up The Cylinder With Plastic Coated Wire Twist

Now that your hardware mesh cylinder is filled with the sphagnum moss, the next step is to secure everything together. This is where the plastic coated wire twist comes in handy. Starting at one end of the cylinder, thread the wire twist through the hardware mesh, pulling it tightly to hold the moss in place. Continue this process all the way up the length of the cylinder, ensuring that the moss is held securely within. Remember to twist the wire tightly, but not so tight as to compress the moss excessively. The aim is to create a firm, moist environment for your climbing plant to grow on. Once you’ve finished stitching up the cylinder, trim any excess wire with your wire cutters. Be careful to tuck the cut ends of the wire into the moss or towards the pole to avoid causing injury to yourself or damage to your plant. Your moss pole is now fully assembled and ready for your climbing plant.

Stitch Up The Cylinder With

Repot Your Plant Of Choice And Add The Moss Pole

Finally, it’s time to introduce your climbing plant to its new support system. Begin by carefully removing your plant from its current pot, being cautious not to damage the root system. Prepare a new pot, ideally a size larger than the previous one, and partially fill it with potting mix. Position your plant in the new pot, spreading the roots gently. Now, insert the moss pole into the pot, ensuring it goes deep enough to be stable. The position of the pole should be close enough to the plant to encourage it to climb. Once the pole is securely positioned, add more potting mix to secure the plant and pole, firming gently around the base. Water the plant thoroughly and keep the moss pole moist. Over time, your plant will naturally start to climb the pole, creating a beautiful, healthy, and natural display.[1],[2]

Plants To Use A Moss Pole On

Moss poles can be used with a wide variety of climbing plants that enjoy the extra support and moisture. One of the most common plants to use a moss pole with is a Monstera Deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, which will grow larger leaves when given a moss pole to climb. Similarly, the Philodendron family, including varieties such as the Heartleaf Philodendron and Philodendron Brasil, thrive with the support of a moss pole. Pothos plants, such as the Golden Pothos and Neon Pothos, can also benefit significantly from a moss pole. Other notable plants include the Peace Lily, Syngonium, and various species of Anthurium. These plants all have aerial roots and will latch onto the moss pole, mimicking their natural habitat. While these are common choices, many other indoor climbing plants and vines can also benefit from a moss pole for support and growth.[2]

Additional Tips For Your Moss Pole

While creating and using a moss pole is a straightforward process, here are a few additional tips to help make the most of your plant support system.

  1. Always keep the moss moist: Climbing plants are used to humid environments and keeping the moss hydrated will recreate this effect. You can use a spray bottle to mist the moss regularly.
  2. Position the pole correctly: The moss pole should lean slightly towards the plant to mimic the direction of a tree trunk, encouraging natural climbing behavior.
  3. Train the plant: Initially, you might need to tie the plant to the moss pole to guide its growth. Use soft ties to avoid damaging the plant.
  4. Regularly check the pole: Ensure the pole is secure and stable in the pot as the plant grows. You don’t want the weight of the plant to topple it over.
  5. Extend the moss pole: If your plant outgrows your moss pole, you can extend it by attaching another moss pole on top using the plastic coated wire twist.

Remember, a moss pole is more than just a support. It helps your plants grow healthier by providing a suitable environment and enhances the aesthetic appeal of your indoor garden.[2]

Additional Tips For Your Moss Pole


How do you make a homemade moss pole?

Creating a DIY moss pole is a simple and rewarding process that involves just a few steps.

  1. Gather your materials: You will need a length of PVC pipe, hardware mesh, sphagnum moss, garden wire or zip ties, plastic coated wire twist, and wire cutters.
  2. Create a mesh cylinder: Cut a piece of hardware mesh that will fit around your PVC pipe, leaving space for the sphagnum moss. Secure the cylinder shape with your garden wire or zip ties.
  3. Fill the cylinder with pre-moistened sphagnum moss: Pack the damp moss into the hardware mesh cylinder, ensuring the moss is evenly distributed and dense enough to offer support but not impede water absorption and airflow.
  4. Stitch up the cylinder: Secure everything together with a plastic coated wire twist. Thread the wire through the mesh, pulling it tightly to hold the moss in place.
  5. Prepare for repotting: Remove your plant from its current pot and prepare a new one, partially filling it with potting mix.
  6. Insert the moss pole and add the plant: Position the moss pole in the pot, then place your plant near the pole and fill in with more potting mix.
  7. Keep the moss pole moist: Water your plant thoroughly and maintain the dampness of the moss pole to mimic the plant’s natural humid environment.

By following these steps, you can create the perfect support and growth system that your climbing plant will thrive on. The moss pole not only serves as a physical support for your plant but also recreates its natural growth environment, promoting a healthier and more vibrant plant.

Can I use bamboo instead of a moss pole?

Yes, bamboo can indeed be used as an alternative to a moss pole for supporting climbing plants. Bamboo stakes, being sturdy and natural, provide a reliable structure for plants to latch onto, ensuring their upward growth. However, it’s important to note that bamboo, unlike a moss pole, does not retain moisture as effectively, which can be a crucial factor for tropical plants that thrive in humid conditions. In such cases, it may be necessary to increase humidity through other means, such as regular misting, if you choose to use bamboo as a support.

Furthermore, while bamboo stakes are generally suitable for most climbing plants, they may not be as effective for plants with aerial roots that are specifically adapted to cling onto mossy surfaces. These plants rely on the moist and moss-covered environment provided by a moss pole to anchor themselves. Therefore, when considering the choice between bamboo and a moss pole, it is crucial to take into account the specific needs and adaptations of your plant species.

In conclusion, while bamboo presents a viable option for supporting climbing plants, the decision between bamboo and a moss pole should be made based on careful consideration of the particular requirements of your plant species. By understanding the unique characteristics and growth habits of your plants, you can ensure optimal support and growth for your beloved green companions.

Can I use bamboo instead of a moss pole?

Is a moss pole good for plants?

Certainly! A moss pole is not just an ordinary support system for climbing plants; it’s an exceptional tool that mimics the natural growth pattern of these plants in the wild. By providing a vertical structure, the moss pole encourages plants to reach new heights, promoting upward growth and creating a visually stunning display in your indoor or outdoor space.

Apart from the aesthetic appeal, the benefits of using a moss pole go beyond just physical support. The moss pole helps plants develop larger and healthier leaves, allowing them to efficiently capture sunlight and maximize photosynthesis. This, in turn, contributes to the overall growth and vitality of the plant.

Moreover, the moss pole retains moisture, creating a naturally humid environment that many tropical plants thrive in. The increased humidity not only benefits the plants but also enhances the overall ambiance of your living space, making it a welcoming haven for both you and your plants.

Another advantage of using a moss pole is its ability to provide a surface for aerial roots to latch onto. These specialized roots not only improve stability but also enhance nutrient absorption and reinforce the plant’s structure. By utilizing a moss pole, you are effectively supporting the growth and development of your climbing plants in a way that replicates their natural habitat.

In summary, a moss pole is more than just a support system; it’s a key element in creating an optimal environment for your climbing plants to thrive. With its ability to encourage upward growth, retain moisture, and provide a surface for aerial roots, the moss pole is an essential tool that contributes to the overall health and vitality of your plants, transforming them into vibrant living works of art.

Can you use metal mesh for moss poles?

Yes, metal mesh is often used in the construction of DIY moss poles and is ideal due to its sturdy structure and ability to maintain shape over time. The metal mesh serves as the external layer of the moss pole, holding the sphagnum moss in place and providing a textured surface for plant roots to latch onto. However, ensure the metal is either coated or resistant to rust, as the frequent watering necessary to maintain moss pole moisture could potentially corrode unprotected metal over time. Additionally, the mesh should have a suitable grid size – not too large to let the moss fall out, and not too small to restrict the penetration of water and plant roots. Thus, while metal mesh is a viable option for moss poles, some considerations should be taken into account to ensure longevity and effectiveness.

Can you use metal mesh for moss poles?

What can I use instead of a moss pole?

Apart from moss poles, there are several alternatives that can be used as a support system for climbing plants.

  1. Bamboo Stakes: As indicated earlier, bamboo stakes are robust and natural, offering a solid frame for plants. However, they don’t retain moisture like moss poles, which might not be ideal for some plant species.
  2. Coir Poles: Coir poles are made from coconut husk fibers. They retain moisture well, allowing for increased humidity.
  3. Trellises: A trellis can be made from wood or metal and comes in various designs. This vertical gardening structure not only supports climbing plants but also adds a decorative element to your garden.
  4. Lattice: A lattice is a type of openwork structure made from crossed wooden or metal bars. Climbing plants can be trained to grow on a lattice.
  5. Netting: Netting is another cost-effective alternative. It’s easy to set up and can handle lighter, less vigorous climbers.
  6. Wireframe: A wireframe is a durable option that can support heavier plants.

Remember, the choice of a plant support should be based on the specific needs of your plant species, considering factors like the plant’s weight, growth habit, and moisture preference.

What can I use instead of a moss stick?

If you don’t have access to a moss stick for supporting your climbing plants, there are several viable alternatives:

  1. Bamboo Canes: Similar to bamboo stakes, bamboo canes provide a sturdy and natural support structure for climbing plants. While they do not retain moisture like moss sticks, they are still an effective support system for many plant varieties.
  2. Wooden Dowels: Wooden dowels can be used as a single support or grouped together to form a more substantial structure. They are simple to install and readily available in most hardware stores.
  3. Plastic or Metal Rods: These are a more durable option, ideal for heavier plants. They are also usually adjustable in height, making them a versatile choice.
  4. String or Twine: For lighter, less vigorous climbers, a network of string or twine can be a cost-effective alternative. However, they may need more maintenance and replacement over time.

Remember, the type of support you choose should be based upon the specific needs of your plant species, considering factors such as the plant’s weight, growth habit, and need for humidity.

Useful Video: DIY Moss Pole for HUGE Growth


In conclusion, the choice of support for your climbing plants can greatly influence their growth, health, and overall aesthetic appeal. Moss poles, with their ability to mimic the natural climbing environment and retain moisture, are ideal for many tropical plants that thrive in humid conditions. The moss on these poles not only provides a secure surface for the plants to attach themselves to, but also acts as a sponge, absorbing and holding water to create a moist microclimate around the plant’s roots. This is especially beneficial for epiphytic plants like philodendron and pothos, which require high humidity levels to thrive.

However, if you’re looking for alternatives to moss poles, there are several other effective options available. Bamboo stakes, for example, provide a sturdy and natural-looking support for climbing plants. Coir poles, made from coconut fibers, offer a sustainable and biodegradable alternative that provides excellent moisture retention. Trellises and lattices provide a more structured and decorative support system, allowing for vertical growth and creating a visually appealing display. Netting can be used to create a support structure that allows plants to weave and intertwine their way up. Wireframes, bamboo canes, wooden dowels, and even plastic or metal rods are also viable options, each with its own unique advantages and suitability for different plant needs and growth habits.

As a dedicated plant owner, it’s important to consider these factors when choosing the right support for your plants. By providing the appropriate support structure, you are creating an environment where your plants can thrive and grow healthily, ensuring their longevity and enhancing the beauty of your indoor or outdoor space. So, take the time to assess the specific needs and growth habits of your climbing plants, and select the support option that will best meet their requirements. Happy gardening!

