Calathea Beauty Star: Care, Propagation, and More

The Calathea Beauty Star is a unique plant that has been gaining popularity in recent years. People are drawn to its dark green leaves with purple undersides, and it’s not hard for them either.

This guide will answer some common questions about this plant while providing tips on how you can grow your own copy of The Botanical Wonders beauty at home. You will only need one seed bead to do this.

What Is Calathea ‘Beauty Star?’

The hybrid plant called Calathea ‘Beauty Star’ is a cross between two other varieties of the same species. The leaves of this plant are green, yellow, and white. They have a star-shape and look beautiful with the ruffles on their surface.

This is a plant that prefers warm temperatures and high humidity. If you live in a colder area, you should grow this cacti indoors near humidifiers to help it thrive.

Watering can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, your plant will thrive in just about any environment. [3]

Where To Buy

Origin And Family

The Calathea genera is a type of plant that is native to the tropical Americas. Some of these plants have very beautiful foliage. This family, Marantaceae, contains several other genera including Ctenanthe, Goeppertia, and Stromanthe. Many species in this group are commonly known as prayer flowers because they habitually fold their leaves together at night like someone praying.

Calathea Beauty Star is the newest cultivar to hit the market. It is a cross between Calatheas lancifolia and insignis. This produces leaves that are beautiful and have green stripes on top with creamy yellow undersides. [3]

Where To Buy

Find them in garden centers or nurseries near you. You can buy beautiful plants from mail-order catalogs or online websites. Just make sure that the plants are healthy before you buy them, so that they will grow well when you plant them next year.

The Calathea Beauty Star is a hybrid of two species that are known for their impressively patterned leaves. Like other plants in this family, it’s easy to grow and will add some serious style if you want one for your home. [3]

Care Basics

Care Basics

The Calathea Beauty Star is an elegant and beautiful plant that can be enjoyed indoors or out. However, it requires specific care to grow properly so here are the basics of what you need for a happy home:

  • Give this plant some extra love and care to ensure its successful growth. The perfect positioning of the pot will allow for optimal sunlight, so don’t place them in direct sun!
  • The easiest way to care for your plant is by watering it about once a week, or when the soil feels dry. Make sure never to let them sit in water– this can lead to root rot!
  • The Calathea Beauty Star loves high humidity, so be sure to mist the leaves regularly or use a humidifier if possible.
  • If you want this to be a successful plant, then it’s best if we can find some place quiet and peaceful for its roots. [1]

Growth and Size

Calathea Beauty Star is a beautiful plant that typically grows to about two feet tall. However, indoor plants may only reach 1 foot in height because they lack sunlight and water needed for healthy growth.

This makes them easier to identify. The green leaves on this Calatheas have distinctive white markings. This makes it easy to identify any problems with the air quality in your home or with your landscape design. [2]

Flowering and Fragrance

Calathea Beauty Stars are one of the most showy plants you can find. These flowers come in large blooms that are white with purple streaks. They have a strong fragrance that lasts for several weeks before fading away.

The plant needs to be fertilized more often when it’s blooming. A good rule of thumb is every week while the flowers are in bloom and only once or twice a month otherwise!

Calathea Beauty Stars are not heavy feeders so you shouldn’t have to worry about fertilizing them too much. If the leaves start turning yellow or if your plant isn’t growing as quickly, then maybe it’s time for some new seeds. [2]

Temperature and Light

These beauties prefer warm temperatures and high humidity. The best environment for a fern is between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. However, if it’s too cool or dry at night time, the fern may not be very happy. That’s why it’s best to grow your fern indoors where you have more control over both factors that affect its happiness (temperature & moisture).

If you want to grow Calathea Beauty Stars, make sure they receive plenty of bright indirect sunlight. Place the plant in an area where it will get light from windows. Keep the plant outside during hot days so it does not get too hot. [2]

Feeding and Watering

The Calathea Beauty Star is a beautiful, tropical plant that needs to be cared for properly in order to keep its vibrant colors. You should fertilize plants during different growth seasons or winter months, depending on where you live.

Feeding and Watering

For most plants, you should fertilize them once every two weeks with a heavy feeder fertilizer mixture (high levels of soil nutrients). You can fertilize them more often if the instructions say it is okay. Be sure to use distilled or filtered water when you do this, unless the instructions say otherwise.

The common problem of over-watering can cause the leaves on your plant to yellow or brown. If you notice this happening, then it’s time for an adjustment in how much moisture is being given off by these plants!

The best way to tell if your Calathea Beauty Star needs water is by sticking a finger into the soil. If it feels dry, then you should hydrate them! If you wait until the leaves droop, it might be too late to save the plant. This usually means they’re already dehydrated, so don’t hesitate any longer when watering these beautiful plants. [2]

Soil & Transplanting

The soil you use for your plant should be light and airy. To get the best results, mix two parts peat moss with one part perlite in a pot with drainage holes. If you are planting in the pot, add the mixture before planting so the soil can properly drain and your plant won’t get water logged around its base.

The key to a successful transplant is care and patience. Before you remove your plant from its pot, gently loosen the roots so they can move around in their new soil without being damaged. This will help them grow!

The best way to make your plant thrive is by following these steps. First, water your plants well and wait a week or so before fertilizing them. This will give them time to adjust to their new home and also allow the plants’ roots time to take up nutrients again. (But don’t overdo the watering).


By placing your succulents on a pebble tray, you can increase their moisture levels. The more they are in contact with water and other plants that need it like fish or aquatic life-then the better!


The leaves need to stay hydrated. One way of doing this is by misting your plant regularly with water, and adding some humidity too!

If you live in an area where the air is dry, you can increase the amount of steam around your house and create more mist to help the bowerbird. You can place your plants on pebbles or among other plants.

Another way to keep your plants healthy is by using humidifiers at home. You can also turn off some electronics to help keep the humidity high. Make sure you enjoy your plants during winter months. This is when all light comes from candles instead of electric lights. [2]

Maintenance and Grooming

The plants are low maintenance, which means you don’t need to worry about them if they get too much water. You can tell if a plant is overwatered by its yellow leaves and dropping branches. When this happens, the soil will feel dry even if you push your fingers into it deeply.

Keep your plant looking fresh by wiping down the leaves with a damp cloth or patting them gently. If you see any brown spots on the leaves of your trees, remove them as soon as possible. This could mean that the tree is starting to lose its leaves, which is a sign that it is getting ready to die.

Use a high-quality fertilizer that’s formulated for houseplants – too much can actually do more harm than good. Apply according to manufacturer instructions, and you should see your plant thrive. [2]


Pruning is a great way to keep your plants looking fresh and healthy. It’s also important for encouraging new growth, if you want more blooms on this or any other plant!

Simply cut back brown leaves with sharp knives/shears.

Make sure to disinfect them before and after you prune in order to prevent the spread of disease. These pests love your flowers, so be careful not to spread any diseases. [3]


The plant is not toxic to humans or animals, making it a safe choice for households with pets. Some people might have skin irritation when handling this herb. But you won’t have any problems if you wear gloves when working in your garden.


The Calathea Beauty Star is a perfect addition to your home. You need to know what your new plant needs in order to keep it healthy. You also need to be able to take care of it in the best way possible. [3]

Varieties and Similar Plants

Calathea plants come in many different varieties, but one that’s sure to catch your eye is the Beauty Star. This plant has patterns of stars on its leaves and makes an amazing statement anywhere it grows!

Calathea plants are often confused with similar looking relatives, like Ctenanthe and Stromanthe. Even though these two families look similar, they have some important differences. [1]

Diseases & Pests

The Calathea Beauty Star is a tough plant and doesn’t often succumb to diseases or pests. However, like all plants they can be susceptible if attacked by mealy bugs aphids thrips scale. If you see any bugs on your beauty star, simply treat them with an insecticidal soap or neem oil!

Diseases & Pests

Healthy plants are more likely to be pest-free, so it is important that you take care of your plant’s needs. Make sure you water the soil correctly and give them enough sun. If there are any spots on their leaves that are strange, go to a nursery for help. [2]


How Often Should You Water a Beauty Star?

Water your beautiful garden when the topsoil becomes dry. Letting soil turn completely brown will cause stress to hit that plant hard and could even ruin its roots!

To ensure the health, happiness and growth of your plant, you should fertilize it every other month with a half-strength solution.

Humidity is the key to beauty. Just like your skin, if the soil is too dry it will be hard for plants to grow well. But if you add some oil, it will help the plants look shiny again.

Humidity does the same thing for plants! That is why we recommend grouping similar types of houseplants next to each other or running a humidifier nearby to increase their life spans. They love our planet just as much as we do.

How Do You Save Calathea Beauty star?

Just like the standard beauty star, Calathea requires division to save them. There are two ways to propagate a rose bush – by stem cuttings or by potting soil separation. But no matter which way you choose, the end result will be the same.

To replant a plant, you will need to dig it up. Be very careful when doing this, because you do not want to damage the roots. Once you have dug it up, divide the root ball into smaller sections and replant each one in a separate container with fresh soil.

The best way to grow Calathea beauty stars is by stem cuttings. You can grow new plants from cuttings by dipping a stem with leaves attached into rooting hormone. Be careful not to overcrowd the plants in their pots, though, because they might start to spread too quickly. Keep your new growth mixture moist, but also find some good airflow inside their containers. These tropical beauties like a lot of sunlight and some nighttime warmth (but no freezing temperatures).

Can Calathea Grow Roots in Water?

Yes! If you want to propagate one of these cool-looking flowers for yourself or as an accent at your next party (or both), just follow these steps:

  1. Cut off a stem with several leaves attached and place it in a jar filled halfway up its height with water.
  2. You should change the water in the pot every few days to keep it fresh. After about 10 days of watering, you’ll see new growth. If everything goes well, you might even see more than one set of baby whisks.
  3. When your cutting has roots, you can either pot it up or keep the plant in water. If you water your plants using well draining soil, and make sure not to over water them, you will be able to avoid damaging them.
  4. However, it is important to check the moisture levels every day so that you can take care of them properly.

How Big Does a Calathea Beauty Star Grow?

Calathea Beauty Stars can grow to be about two feet tall and wide. They are slow growers, so don’t expect them to quickly reach their full size potential but with the right conditions they’ll eventually get there!

If you live in an area with cold winters, it is best to keep your plants indoors where they will be protected from the cold weather.

To keep your plant small, pinch back the tips of its leaves. This will encourage it to branch out and become fuller!

It’s easy to care for plants, but there are a few things you should know. Check out this article on how best to keep your plant happy and healthy.

How Do You Make Calathea Grow More Leaves?

To give your Calathea plant the best chance of success, it’s important that you provide them with just enough water and humidity. The leaves will start to droop if they’re tired or need more sustenance!

To maintain optimal conditions for these beautiful palm tree-like veggies, look out for gold bars on their roots. These plants are native only to tropical regions, so be sure not to let them get too cold in the wintertime. Otherwise, they might freeze and die.

The best way to encourage new growth is by fertilizing your Calathea every month during the growing season. You can propagate your philodendron by either using a balanced fertilizer diluted as per package instructions, or you can take stem cuttings. Just take a few inches of stem and remove the lower leaves before sticking it in moist soil where it will stay warm and humid.

Where Should I Place My Calathea?

Calathea loves bright, indirect sunlight. If you can’t provide this type of light, they will do just fine under fluorescent lighting. When it comes to temperature, these tropical plants like it warm—between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.

If your home doesn’t meet these requirements, consider placing your Calathea in an enclosed porch or sunroom. Just make sure to bring it indoors if the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, as cold temperatures can damage the leaves.

Calathea are also relatively sensitive to drafts, so avoid placing them near doors or windows that open and close frequently.

What Type of Potting Mix Should I Use?

Calathea prefer a potting mix that is light and airy, with good drainage. A peat-based mix or a mix made specifically for African violets will work well.

If you are looking for a more natural option, you can make your own potting mix by combining two parts sphagnum moss with one part perlite.

Adding a layer of gravel or rocks to the bottom of your pot before adding soil is a good way to help drainage for your plants. This will help with drainage and prevent the roots from sitting in water.

Whether you use a store-bought mix or make your own, be sure to water your Calathea regularly. These plants like to stay moist, but not wet. So you should water them, but let the top of the soil dry out between each watering.

How Long Does it Take for Calathea to Root?

It can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months for Calathea to develop roots. The best way to know if your plant is ready to be propagated is by checking the stems for new growth. If you see any, that means the plant is healthy and ready to be propagated!

Here are the steps to propagate Calathea:

  • Fill a pot with a well-draining, peat-based potting mix.
  • Water the soil until it is evenly moistened but not soggy.
  • Cut a stem just below a leaf node using a sharp knife or shears. Make sure the cutting includes at least two sets of leaves.
    Remove the bottom set of leaves from the cutting.
  • Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder.
  • Insert the cutting into the prepared potting mix.
  • Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag or dome to create a humid environment.
  • Place the pot in a warm spot out of direct sunlight.
  • Check on the cutting regularly, making sure the soil is moist but not soggy. After a few weeks, you should see new growth emerge from the cutting.

What Water is Used for Propagation?

For propagation, you’ll need to use distilled or purified water. This is because the chemicals in tap water can be harmful to your plants. If you don’t have access to distilled water, you can let tap water sit out for 24 hours before using it. This will allow some of the chemicals to evaporate off.

You’ll also need a sterile, sharp knife or pair of scissors. Sterilize your cutting tool by wiping it down with rubbing alcohol. This will help to prevent the spread of disease.

Useful Video: *Calathea Care and Collection | Beautiful Foliage Indoor Plants*


The Calathea beauty star is a tropical plant that is easy to care for and propagate. With just a little bit of TLC, you can have these plants thriving in your home or garden in no time. Thanks for following along with our article on the Calathea beauty star!

We hope you have learned something new and are now inspired to go out and get one of these beautiful plants.

