Hoya Wayetii: Care, Propagation, and More

Hoya Wayetii is a gorgeous plant that can be found in tropical areas around the world. It’s not always easy to grow, but with some care and patience you’ll have an excellent garden full of vibrant plants!

In this new edition of our guide, we will answer common questions about this plant. We will also give you tips on how to keep it healthy and looking great.

Hoya Wayetii Care

An evergreen succulent with thick, fleshy leaves that are arranged in a rosette formation. The deep green color of these plants makes them hard to miss on your garden shelf! The white streaks in the dark green make the plant stand out. It is eye-catching. The flowers bloom close to you and look very pretty.

Hoya Wayetii Care

This easy-to-care for plant is a great choice whether you want to grow it indoors or outdoors. This type of plant can withstand moderate amounts of rainfall and doesn’t need a lot of moisture as long as the soil it is planted in drains well.

Potting mix in a container should be allowed to dry out before it is watered again. This will help stop too many weeds from growing. Weeds can grow quickly if there are too many nutrients in the soil. If you plant them deeply near the ground level in your garden, they will be easier to deal with. [1]

Ideal Lighting Conditions

It is a popular houseplant that can tolerate just about any type of lighting condition. To grow plants indoors, you need bright light that shines evenly throughout the day. This will help your plants stay healthy and have large buds with plenty of color.

You should avoid placing them in direct sunlight. This is because too much sun can scorch the plants’ tissues. However, if you want your hoyas to get lots of sun, you can place them near windows but only for a limited period of time.

When the Hoya Wayetii in your home gets too hot and stressed, it can reduce their chances of survival. To protect these plants from harmful environmental factors, like high temperatures or low humidity, you can provide extra ventilation with an artificial fan.

To take care of your plant, you should place it outdoors in a shady spot during the spring and summer. Before temperatures start dropping too low, bring them indoors. [2]


If you see your plants wilting, you should mist them with lukewarm water and then drain them well. Don’t worry about giving your Hoyas too much care. They can tolerate drought conditions.

To encourage the blooming of your plant, fertilize it every other month with balanced fertilizer. Make sure you follow any instructions on how much to use and when in advance!

Hoyas are generally easy to take care of, but they can be susceptible if you don’t watch out. Some things you will want to avoid are too much water and not enough sunlight. Spider mites and mealybugs can ruin your plant. You should treat them with an insecticidal soap or neem oil solution right away. [3]

Hoya Wayetii Care, Propagation, and More

Soil needs

One of the most important things to consider when growing Hoya wayetii is the soil. This plant does best in a well-draining, sandy mix. If your pot does not have drainage holes, you will need to provide them. You can do this by drilling holes in the bottom of the pot or by using a layer of rocks or gravel in the bottom of the pot.

To make sure your plant gets the drainage it needs, water it thoroughly and then let the excess water drain out. Do not let the plant sit in water for more than a few minutes.

If you are using a potting mix that does not contain sand, you can add some to it. A ratio of two parts potting mix to one part sand is a good starting point. You can also add perlite or vermiculite to the mix for extra drainage.

Once you have the right soil mixture, you will need to choose the right pot. A pot that is too small will not let the roots grow and a pot that is too large will hold too much water and could make the roots rot.

The best way to determine the right size pot is to look at the roots. If they are tightly packed in the pot, it is time to move up to a larger one. A good rule of thumb is to choose a pot that is two inches wider and two inches deeper than the current pot. [3]

Temperature & Humidity

They prefer hot, humid conditions. The ideal temperature range is between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit (21 -29 Celsius). If you live in a cooler climate, you can try growing these plants indoors near windows that get a lot of sun exposure during the warmer months. Or, you can bring them outside when it is less cold.

Temperature & Humidity

Hoya wayetii enjoys a moist environment, so you may want to mist your plant more often or place humidifiers around your plant to keep the air moist. If you want to increase the humidity around your plants, put a tray of water near them. The water will evaporate, and that will help increase the humidity to what the plants prefer. [3]

To Fertilize or Not?

Hoyas are plants that can survive even in the worst droughts because they don’t need much water or fertilizer. However, giving them a little help with their needs will ensure more flowers for you!

To get the best results from your garden, use a fertilizer that is balanced (20-20 – 20), and only use half of the recommended amount. You can apply it every two weeks during gardening season; spring through fall!

When in doubt, don’t fertilize! It’s better to under-fertilize plants than overdo it.

Be sure to water the soil with plenty of water a few days before and after applying fertilizer, to prevent root burn. Always test new products on a small area of the plant before using them on the entire plant. [2]

How To Propagate Hoya Wayetii

Hoyas are popular plants that can be grown using many different methods. There are a few ways to propagate new plants. One way is to take stem cuttings, which is easy and straightforward. You can do this in your home or office!

Stem cuttings are an easy way to start new plants. You need a cutting that is at least three inches long and has several leaves on it. Make sure you cut just below the node where they attach into your stem (also known as “leaf nodes”).

Once you have prepared your plant for planting, remember to dip the end into rooting hormone before placing it in a well-draining potting mix. However, be careful not to add too much or else the plant will be top-heavy and might not stay upright.

If you want to grow your plant quickly, then water it and check the soil daily. If there is too much sunlight coming in through the windows or doors, try moving a few inches away from these surfaces until the growth resumes. [1]

Propagating in Soil

It can be propagated in soil, but the procedure takes a little more effort than other methods. You’ll need to start by taking a cutting from the plant that is at least three inches long. When taking a cutting from a plant, make sure to choose an area with plenty of leaves. This will give the new plant the best chance of growing successfully.

Once you have your cutting, remove the bottom leaves so that only two or three remain. This will help to prevent the plant from losing too much water through evaporation.

Next, take a cutting and dip it in rooting hormone. Then plant it in a pot with soil that drains well. Water the soil lightly and place the pot in a warm, sunny spot. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and in time you should see new growth.

Hoyas can be a little fussy about being moved, so it is best to leave your newly propagated plant in its pot for at least a few months before transplanting it. Your new plant will need some time to get used to its new surroundings and to grow a strong root system. [3]

Propagating in Water

To propagate this plant, you can either do so by seed or cuttings. If you water your plants with propagated water, make sure to change it every week. Also, use a well draining potting mix to avoid root rot.

To grow a cutting in water, cut and stem about six inches long and remove the lower leaves. You can place these pieces into soil along with some light bleach so they can photosynthesize properly without being harmed by chemicals. The roots should form within two weeks once you plant it. [3]

Tips for Hoya Wayetii

So if you live in a place where it’s hot and humid, this plant might be perfect for your garden. This plant will love the bright sunlight that comes through all day long. But it can also tolerate lower light levels when necessary. In fact, it even does well in some shade.

Tips for Hoya Wayetii

The best way to water your plants is by keeping the soil moist but not soggy. Water your cacti plants a little less often during winter, and maybe stop watering them altogether if they get a lot of sun. If the plants are wilting, they may need more water than what is available outdoors.

Hoya plants need to be fertilized in order for them to grow and flourish. Use a liquid fertilizer diluted half-strength every other week during spring or summer. But only use it once per month during fall and winter, so you don’t damage any newly established roots.

The hoya wayetii is a beautiful and long-lasting addition to your home. This plant can grow slowly, so you will need to be patient if you want it to grow down the hall or cover an entire wall. [3]

Pest or Disease Problems

Hoya Wayetii is prone to pests and disease, so it’s important that you check your plant for any signs of insects. If pests are interfering with this beautiful plant, be sure to treat them immediately. You can also try increasing humidity around the habitat by misting regularly or using a humidifier. If leaves start turning brown due to dry conditions, this may mean that your habitat is in drought stress. This would require extra watering efforts.

When you notice any problems with your plants, such as wilting leaves or stunted growth it is best to consult a professional. They can help diagnose the problem and find solutions for them so they can thrive in their natural environment. [2]

Suggested Hoya Wayetii Uses

The plant can be used in a number of ways. It can act as a groundcover, spill over the edge of a pot, or be trained to climb. Its small leaves make it an excellent choice for terrariums or vivariums.

This is also an ideal houseplant. It is slow-growing, drought tolerant, and can tolerate low light levels. [1]

Here are some tips for growing:

  • Plant in well-draining soil.
  • Water when the soil is dry to the touch.
  • Fertilize monthly during the growing season.
  • Provide bright, indirect light.
  • Allow the plant to dry out between watering.

How To Propagate Hoya Wayetii


Is Hoya Wayetii a Slow Grower?

The Hoya is one of the fastest-growing plants. But it can be fickle and may go through periods of very slow growth.

What is the Ideal Pot Size for Hoya Wayetii?

A five to six-inch pot is ideal for Hoya wayetii. Giving your plant enough space to grow is important, but you don’t want to give it too much space or it will become rootbound.

How Do You Propagate Hoya?

Hoya can be propagated in a few different ways. One way to propagate a plant is to take stem cuttings. This is done by locating an active branch that has two leaves on it and cutting just below where one leaf meets another (or nodes). Make sure that your pieces of wood are at least four inches long so that there will be enough room for the roots to grow when they are planted in their final potting soil positions.

Does Hoya Wayetii Like to Climb?

It is also known as the climbing plant or heartleaf philodendron that requires support to grow properly. You can use a trellis to help this vine grow tall and strong or stakes to help the vine grow.

This is a unique plant, but it doesn’t need much water. If you want to give your succulent the best care possible, then make sure that you wait until all of the dirt is dry before watering again.

Can Hoya Leaves be Propagated?

Now you can bring your favorite plant into a new life! Take one clean, sharp knife and cut off the base of each individual stem. To keep your flowers looking new, place them in moist peat moss or perlite soil. Cover the soil with plastic wrap to create humidity and keep the flowers in a bright area that is not in direct sunlight. In about 3-4 weeks, you will see new growth begin to emerge.

When you get your Hoyas, use a potting mix that is specifically for African violets or cacti and succulents. Make sure to water your plants thoroughly before you allow them to dry out completely. This will help keep them healthy!

Fertilize your houseplants every other month with a weak solution of liquid fertilizer designed for houseplants. Just be careful not to overdo it, because too much fertilizer can also harm these plants if their roots are not established in soil that is rich enough from previous plantings (or add more sand).

Is Hoya Wayetii Rare?

Hoya wayetii is not hard to find. You could probably order one online if your local nursery doesn’t have any. This succulent is not common in plant stores because it has only recently become popular among homeowners. So don’t give up hope just yet! There’s a good chance you’ll find what you’re looking for if you keep looking.

What is the Difference Between Hoya Wayetii and Kentiana?

Hoya wayetii is a climbing vine while Kentiana more closely resembles an elegant rosette plant. Wayeti’s dark green leaves have silver markings on them, while kentianas light-green colored leaf similarly features yellow markings on their blades.

The flowers from both plants produce a nice fragrance, but the ones from Hoya have white petals with pink centers. You can see these colors in the center of any flowerheads this species produces when it blooms during the night or early morning hours. This is because there is more light shining through them during the day.

The Hoya wayetii is native to the Philippines while Kentiana can be found in Australia. Both plants need similar care and will grow well inside or outside your home. However, there are some areas where they should not live because they are sensitive to temperature changes (such as freezing).

What is the Difference Between Hoya Wayetii and Other Hoyas?

Hoya is a climbing vine while most other Hoyas are more of an annual. Hoya and other plants in its family have dark green leaves with silver variegation. They also produce fragrant flowers, but the color of the flowers is different depending on the plant. Hoya has white flowers to problems such as leaf drop and root rot.

To help increase humidity for your Hoya, you can place itrs, while other plants have yellow or orange flowers.

The Philippine Era Hoyas (Hoya wayetii) is only found in the Philippines. It needs specific conditions to grow. However, they can be grown indoors or outdoors with some modified light levels in warmer climates.

Will Hoya Root in Water?

Yes, Hoya will root in water, but it is not the preferred method. Water rooting can lead to problems such as rot and fungal infections. It is best to root Hoyas in a well-draining potting mix.

To root a Hoya in water, start by taking a cutting that is about four inches long.Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting and dip it in rooting hormone. Next, place the cutting in a jar or glass of water and put it in a bright, indirect light.

Change the water every few days and keep an eye on the roots. Once they are about an inch long, you can pot them up in a well-draining potting mix. Be sure to keep the cutting moist until it is well-rooted.

Hoyas can also be propagated by leaf cuttings. To do this, start by taking a healthy leaf from the plant. Cut the leaf into small pieces, making sure each piece has at least one vein. Dip the leaf pieces in rooting hormone and place them on a well-draining potting mix.

Keep the leaf cuttings moist and in a bright, indirect light until they start to grow. Once they have rooted, you can pot them up in individual pots.

Why is my Hoya not Rooting?

One common reason that Hoyas do not root is because they are not getting enough water. Hoyas like to dry out between watering, so make sure you’re not over or underwatering your plant.

Another possibility is that the leaves are too wet, which can cause rot. If the leaves are wet, remove any excess water and increase airflow around the plant. Finally, make sure that the temperature is not too cold or hot, as both extremes can prevent rooting.

Useful Video: *7 Care Tips for Hoya Cuttings*


There you have it. Everything you need to know about propagating and caring for Hoya Wayetii. Make sure to provide your plants with plenty of light, water them regularly, and fertilize them every month or so. If you notice any signs of pests or diseases, take action immediately.

With a little bit of TLC, your Hoya Wayetii will thrive for years to come. Have you tried growing this beautiful succulent? What advice would you add? Let us know in the comments below.


  1. https://plantcaretoday.com/hoya-wayetii.html
  2. https://www.bybrittanygoldwyn.com/hoya-wayetii-care/
  3. https://plantophiles.com/plant-care/hoya-wayetii/