Umbrella Plant: Care, Propagation, and More

Umbrella Plant: Care, Propagation, and More

Umbrella Plant is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for houseplant that can be found at most garden stores. It’s perfect for beginners because it doesn’t require much attention and is very hardy. In this article, we will discuss the care of the Umbrella Plant, how to propagate it, and some common problems that you may encounter. We hope that this guide provides you with all the information you need to keep your Umbrella Plant healthy and happy!

Why Propagate An Umbrella Plant?

The Umbrella Plant is very easy to propagate from stem cuttings. If you are looking for a fast and easy way to increase your collection, propagation is the way to go! Not only is it simple, but it’s also a great way to get new plants that are identical to the parent plant. Propagation is also a great option if you want to give plants to friends or family members.[1]

When To Propagate An Umbrella Plant

Umbrella Plants are fairly easy to propagate, and can be done so in a few different ways.

The best time to propagate an Umbrella Plant is in the springtime, after the last frost has passed. This will give your plant the best chance to thrive.[1]

How To Propagate An Umbrella Plant

Stem Cuttings

The easiest way to propagate an umbrella plant is through stem cuttings. You can take a cutting from just about any part of the plant that has at least two leaves. Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle just below a leaf node using a sharp knife or gardening shears. Remove the lower leaves, leaving two or three at the top of the cutting.

How To Propagate An Umbrella Plant

Dip the cut end of the stem into rooting hormone powder or gel (this is optional but will help encourage roots to grow). Place the cutting in a glass of water and put it in a spot out of direct sunlight. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh. After about two weeks, you should see roots beginning to form.

Once the roots are about an inch long, you can pot the cutting up in moist potting soil. Be sure to choose a pot that has drainage holes. Water the plant well and put it in a spot out of direct sunlight until it becomes established.[1]

Growing From Seed

If you’re patient enough to grow your umbrella plant from seed, it’s best to start them indoors about eight weeks before the last frost date in your area. Sow the tiny seeds on the surface of a moistened potting mix and keep them warm (around 70°F is ideal) and evenly watered. It can take up to four months for them to germinate, so be patient! Once they’ve sprouted, move them into individual pots and keep up with regular watering and fertilizing. When all danger of frost has passed, you can transplant them outdoors.[1]

Air Layering

Air layering is a great way to propagate umbrella plants! It’s a simple process that involves taking a cutting from the plant and growing roots directly in the air. All you need is some clear plastic wrap, some moist sphagnum moss, and some patience. Follow these steps and you’ll have success in no time:

  • Start by finding a healthy stem on your umbrella plant. Cut it at an angle about halfway down the stem.
  • Next, take your clear plastic wrap and wrap it tightly around the cut area of the stem. Make sure that the plastic wrap is touching the moss so that it will be able to absorb moisture.
  • Now, take your sphagnum moss and wet it until it’s damp. Wrap it around the plastic wrap, making sure to cover the entire cutting.
  • Finally, tie the moss in place with some string or wire. This will hold everything in place while the roots start to grow.
  • Place your air layering cutting in a shady spot and keep the moss moist. In a few weeks, you should see roots growing out of the bottom of the moss. Once they’re about an inch long, you can cut the stem below the plastic wrap and pot up your new plant![1]

Umbrella Plant Propagation Tips

One of the great things about umbrella plants is that they’re very easy to propagate. All you need to do is take a stem cutting from a healthy plant and root it in moist soil. You can even put the cutting in water until roots form, then transfer it to soil.

Umbrella Plant Propagation Tips

Here are a few tips for successful umbrella plant propagation:

  • Choose a healthy plant to take your cutting from. Look for one that has green, healthy leaves and is not too woody.
  • Take your cuttings in late spring or early summer when the weather is warm.
  • Take your cuttings in late spring or early summer when the weather is warm.
  • Cut off a section of stem that is about four inches long. Make sure to cut at an angle just below a leaf node (where the leaves attach to the stem).
  • Remove the bottom leaves from the cutting, leaving two or three at the top.
  • Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder or gel. This will help encourage roots to grow.
  • Plant your cutting in a moist potting mix, sand, perlite, or vermiculite. You can also put it in water until roots form, then transfer it to soil.
  • Place your pot in a warm, bright spot out of direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Roots should form within four to six weeks. Once they do, you can transplant your new plant into a larger pot or into the garden.[3]

How Big Should The Parent Plant Be?

You don’t need a big parent plant to propagate an umbrella plant. In fact, you can even use a leaf cutting from a mature plant. However, the larger the parent plant, the more potential there is for it to produce pups or offsets (baby plants).

If you’re propagating from seed, on the other hand, you’ll want to start with a larger plant. This will give the seeds a better chance of germinating and surviving. Once they’ve germinated, they’ll still need some time to grow before they can be transplanted into their own pots.[1]

How To Care For Umbrella Plants After Propagation

Water and Sun

After you have taken your cuttings and potted them up, it is important to give them the right amount of water and sunlight. Too much or too little of either can cause the plants to wilt or die.

Umbrella plants are native to tropical regions and therefore need plenty of moisture to survive. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.

During the spring and summer months, umbrella plants need about six hours of direct sunlight each day. In winter, they can tolerate a little less light but will still need some bright, indirect sunlight.[3]

Feeding Umbrella Plants

Umbrella Plants are not heavy feeders, so you don’t need to worry about over-fertilizing. A light feeding every other month is plenty. If you see the leaves turning yellow, that’s a sign that your plant is getting too much fertilizer.

To fertilize, mix a balanced fertilizer into the soil at half the recommended strength. Water thoroughly after applying fertilizer to help disperse it through the root zone.[2]

Temperature and Humidity

The Umbrella Plant is a tropical plant, which means it prefers warm temperatures and high humidity. If you live in an area with cooler winters, you can bring your Umbrella Plant indoors during the colder months. Keep in mind that this plant does not like drafts, so make sure to put it in a spot where it won’t be exposed to any cold air coming from windows or doors.

To maintain the proper level of humidity for your Umbrella Plant, you can either mist it regularly or set up a humidifier near it. If you choose to mist your plant, do so early in the day so that the leaves have time to dry off before nightfall. This will help prevent fungal diseases from developing.[2]

Temperature and Humidity


Pruning and fertilizing are important for keeping your umbrella plant healthy. Pruning helps to encourage new growth and keep the plant from getting too big. Fertilizing provides the nutrients that the plant needs to grow.

To prune your umbrella plant, start by removing any dead or dying leaves. Then, cut back any long stems. You can also trim off any excess growth. Be sure to use sharp pruning shears so that you don’t damage the plant.[2]


Umbrella Plants are fast growers and will quickly outgrow their pot. They like to be snug in their pots, so don’t go up more than one pot size at a time. When the roots start to come out of the drainage holes, it’s time to repot.

Use a well-draining potting mix and make sure the pot has drainage holes. Water thoroughly after repotting and don’t fertilize for a few weeks until the plant has settled in.

If your Umbrella Plant is looking leggy or sparse, you can give it a good prune to encourage new growth. Pruning also helps keep the plant compact and bushy.[2]

Common Umbrella Plant Propagation Problems

One common issue when propagating umbrella plants is that the leaves can begin to yellow and drop off. This is usually a sign that the plant isn’t getting enough water. Make sure to keep the soil moist, but not soggy, during the propagation process.

Another problem you might encounter is root rot. This can happen if the soil is too wet or if the roots are damaged during transplanting. If you think your plant might have root rot, take a look at the roots. They should be white or light-colored. If they’re dark brown or black, it’s likely that they’re rotting.[1]

Common Problems That Umbrella Plants Have

Pest infestations

Pest infestations are one of the most common problems that umbrella plants have.

The most common pests are whiteflies, spider mites, and mealybugs.

These pests can be controlled with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Umbrella plants are also susceptible to fungal diseases such as root rot and powdery mildew. These diseases can be controlled with fungicides.[3]

Crooked plant

Do you have an umbrella plant with crooked stems? Don’t worry, this is normal! The stems of umbrella plants are naturally crooked, so there’s no need to try to fix them. Just enjoy your plant as-is.

If you’re concerned about the overall appearance of your plant, you can try staking the stems to help them grow upright. Simply tie the stems to a stake or trellis using soft twine or yarn. Be careful not to tie the stems too tightly, as this could damage them. Check on your plant regularly and adjust the ties as needed.[3]

Leaves falling off

One of the most common problems people have with their umbrella plants is that the leaves start to fall off. If you notice that the leaves on your umbrella plant are starting to turn yellow or brown and then drop off, it’s likely that the plant is not getting enough water. Make sure you’re watering your plant regularly (about once a week), and if the problem persists, you may need to increase the frequency of watering.

Leaves falling off

Another possible reason for leaves falling off umbrella plants is too much direct sunlight. If your plant is in a spot that gets direct sunlight for more than a few hours a day, try moving it to a place with more indirect light.[3]

Are Umbrella Plants Toxic to Pets?

The Umbrella Plant is not toxic to pets. In fact, it’s a great plant for pet-owners because it can help purify the air in your home.

Here are some other benefits of owning an Umbrella Plant:

  • Umbrella Plants are easy to care for and require little maintenance.
  • They can help improve the quality of the air in your home by filtering out toxins and pollutants.
  • Umbrella Plants are beautiful and add a touch of greenery to any room.[3]


Are Any Umbrella Plant Varieties Easier To Propagate?

Yes! The Chinese Umbrella Plant (Schefflera Arboricola) is the easiest to propagate. It can be done with stem cuttings or by division of an existing plant.

Are Any Umbrella Plant Varieties Easier To Propagate?

To propagate by stem cuttings, snip a few six-inch pieces from the tips of healthy stems. Remove the lower leaves, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, and plant in moistened potting mix. Place the pots in a warm spot out of direct sunlight and keep the soil moist but not soggy until new growth appears.

Does Your Umbrella Plant Have To Be Healthy To Successfully Propagate?

No, your umbrella plant does not have to be healthy to successfully propagate. However, it is important to note that unhealthy plants may take longer to propagate or may not propagate at all. If you are unsure about the health of your umbrella plant, it is always best to consult with a nursery or gardening professional before attempting propagation.

Will Propagated Umbrella Plants Be Identical To The Mother Plant?

This is a common question with plants that can be propagated vegetatively, and the answer is no—they will not be identical. However, they will be very similar in appearance to the mother plant. The main difference you’ll notice is that the leaves of a propagated plant will be slightly smaller than those of the mother plant. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean your new plant won’t be just as beautiful as the original!

How Many Cuttings Can Be Taken From One Plant?

You can take as many cuttings from one plant as you want! Just make sure that you leave a few leaves on the plant so it can continue to photosynthesize and grow.

When taking cuttings, it’s best to use a sharp knife or pair of scissors. This will help prevent tearing the stem of the plant.

How Long Do Stem Cuttings Take To Establish?

Stem cuttings usually take around four to eight weeks to establish themselves. Once they have rooted, you can then transplant them into their own pots.

Be sure to give them plenty of water and light once they have been transplanted. Also, make sure to fertilize them regularly. With the right care, your umbrella plant will soon be thriving!

Useful Video: Umbrella Plant Care | Schefflera Care | Tips N Tricks | Indoor Gardening | Bubbles of Green


We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you everything you need to know about umbrella plants! These unique and interesting plants make for great additions to any home. With a little care and attention, your umbrella plant will soon be thriving. Thanks for reading!

