String of Turtles: Care, Propagation, and More

String of Turtles: Care, Propagation, and More

Looking for a comprehensive guide to a string of turtles? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about these adorable plants. We’ll cover care and propagation tips, as well as some interesting facts about a string of turtles. So if you are a flower enthusiast or just looking for some information on these unique plants, read on for all the details!

Is String of Turtles a Succulent?

Many people wonder if a string of turtles is succulent. The answer to this question is both yes and no. [1]

A string of turtles are in the same family as succulents (Crassulaceae), but they are not technically succulents. This means that while they share some common characteristics with succulents, a string of turtles has its own specific care requirements.

The string of turtles are native to South Africa and can be found in the wild growing on rocky slopes. They have adapted to the dry climate by storing water in their leaves, which gives them their characteristic string-like appearance. When grown in the garden, the string of turtles does best in a sunny spot with well-drained soil.

Is String of Turtles a Rare Plant?

It is not a rare plant, although it is not as commonly found in the wild as some other species. It can be found in many parts of the world, making it a good choice for gardeners who want to add an exotic touch to their landscape.

A string of Turtles is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, making it an easy choice for gardeners. It does well in full sun or partial shade and can be grown in a wide range of climates.

Is String of Turtles a Rare Plant?

However, it can be challenging to find in the wild. The species is native to the eastern United States and can be found from Texas north to New England and west to Oklahoma.

A string of Turtles is a perennial plant that grows from 12 to 18 inches tall. The leaves are lance-shaped and grow in pairs along the stem.

If you want to own a string of Turtles, you can find them for sale at many nurseries. You can also propagate new plants from cuttings taken from existing plants. Moreover, the plant is easy to grow from seed.

How do you care take care of String of Turtles?

String of Turtles are not too hard to take care of, but they do have a few specific needs that you should be aware of. It is important to take the factors below into consideration when caring for your String of Turtles:


The very first step in caring for your plant is watering it correctly. A string of turtles like a moist environment, but not too much water or they will rot.

The best way to water your plant is with a gentle shower from a garden hose. You can also use a watering can, but be careful not to pour too much water at once. If the soil is too wet, it will be difficult for the plant to breathe and it may die.

Watering your string of turtles regularly is important, but overwatering can be just as harmful as under-watering. Make sure to keep an eye on the condition of the soil and adjust your watering habits accordingly.

If you overwater your plant, you may notice the leaves start to turn yellow and the stems will feel soft. If this happens, take the plant out of its pot and let it dry out for a few days. Once the soil is dry to the touch, you can re-pot your string of turtles in fresh soil.

If you are having trouble keeping the humidity level high enough, you can spray the leaves with water once a day. Be sure to use room-temperature water and not cold or hot tap water, as this could damage the plant.


In addition, you can place the pot on a tray of wet pebbles and water the pebbles regularly. This will create a humid environment around the plant and help to keep it healthy.

However, it is important to avoid over-watering, as this can be just as harmful as under-watering. So be sure to check the soil regularly and water when needed.

In addition, make sure to only water the soil and not the leaves of the plant. Wet leaves can cause leaf spotting and other diseases.

How much light does String of Turtles need?

Light is important for every living thing, so make sure to provide enough light.

A string of Turtles needs medium to high light and should be placed in an east or west-facing window with four to six hours of direct sunlight daily.

If you don’t have a window that gets good sunlight, you can also use a grow light to supplement. Place the plant about two feet away from the light and leave it on for 12 hours per day.

You can provide your String of Turtles with the proper light by using a full spectrum UVB bulb. This type of bulb can be found at most pet stores.

In addition, you should also make sure to rotate your String of Turtles’ pot every week or so to ensure that all sides of the plant receive an equal amount of light.

If you are not sure how much light your plant needs, it is best to test different amounts of light until you find the right fit. If you see that your String of Turtles is not growing or the leaves are turning yellow, it may be because you are not providing enough light.

Make sure not to place the plant in direct sunlight. If the plant is in direct sunlight, the leaves will turn brown. This will be a bad sign for the plant and it will not be able to recover.

Watering frequency may vary depending on how much light the plant is receiving, so make sure to check the soil regularly.

How much light does String of Turtles need?

If the pot is placed in a sunny spot, water more often. If the pot is placed in a shady spot, water less often.

A string of turtles grows best when it receives bright, indirect sunlight.

Potting Mix

The next important factor for a string of turtles is the potting mix. There are many different types of potting mix, so every plant needs a different potting mix.

The best type of potting mix for a string of turtles is one that is light and easy to drain. When looking for a potting mix, make sure it does not have any large chunks of stones in it, as these can cause problems with drainage.

Many people choose to make their own potting mix, using a variety of different ingredients. Some good ingredients to use for a string of turtles potting mix include peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, and sand. You can also add compost or manure to the mix to help improve the soil quality.

If you choose the wrong potting mix, your plants will not grow well and might even die. Moreover, an incorrect potting mix can also lead to root rot, a condition that can kill your plants.

A string of turtles like moist soil but do not like to be waterlogged. Make sure the potting mix you choose has good drainage so that the environment does not become too wet. A string of turtles’ ideal potting mix should have a loamy, sandy, or gritty texture.

Such plants as String of Turtles will grow in all kinds of soils, but they will grow better and faster in soil that is richer in organic matter.

Potting Mix

If you are not sure which potting mix to choose, ask a local nursery for advice.


One more important thing to keep in mind when caring for a string of turtles is repotting. They will need to be repotted every one to two years, depending on the pot size you choose.

When potting your string of turtles, make sure to use a pot with a hole in the bottom so that excess water can drain out. You should also place the pot on top of some drainage material, such as gravel or broken pots, to help with drainage.

Repotting is important for this plant because it helps to keep the soil loose and aerated. When the soil becomes too compact, it can inhibit the plant’s growth.

Usually, the roots of a string of turtles will start to grow out of the drainage hole in the pot, so be sure to check on it regularly and report as needed. If the roots grow too long, you can cut them off with a sharp knife.

It is important to choose the right pot size for your string of turtles. If you choose a pot that is too large, the plant will become rootbound and will not grow well. On the other hand, if you choose a pot that is too small, the plant may not be able to get enough water and nutrients.

When repotting, be sure to gently remove the plant from its old pot. If the roots are tightly bound to the pot, you can loosen them by wiggling the pot back and forth. Be careful not to damage the roots in the process.

  • If you damage the roots, the plant may not be able to survive.

Once you have removed the plant from its pot, loosen the soil by shaking it off or use your fingers to remove any large chunks of soil. If the soil is too compact, you can break it up with a trowel or garden fork.

Then, place the plant in the new pot and fill in the gaps with fresh soil. Be sure to pack the soil down around the plant so that it is secure.


Make sure that the soil is moist but not wet before you place the pot in a sunny location.


Another important part of caring for your string of turtles is fertilizing them. Fertilizing helps keep your plant healthy and growing. Be sure to use a liquid fertilizer that is specifically for plants, rather than an all-purpose cleaner. Follow the instructions on the package carefully when fertilizing.

It’s also important to note that over-fertilizing can be harmful to your plant, so be sure not to fertilize more than once a month. Excess fertilizer can cause the leaves of your plant to turn yellow or brown and can even lead to plant death.

In addition, don’t fertilize the plant if it’s been recently transplanted. Wait until the plant has had a chance to settle in and become established before you start fertilizing it.

Once your plant is well-established, you can begin to fertilize it every month or so. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully, and stop fertilizing if the plant starts to show signs of distress.

Fertilizing is an important part of caring for your string of turtles, but it’s also important to be careful not to over-fertilize. Stop fertilizing if the plant starts to show signs of distress, and be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully.

  • If your string of turtles starts to look a bit sickly, you can try giving it a bit of diluted plant food.

Excess fertilizer can cause the leaves of your plant to turn yellow or brown, and can even lead to plant death. So be sure not to fertilize more than necessary!

How to Propagate String of Turtles

Now that we’ve gone over some of the basics of caring for your string of turtles, let’s talk about propagation. A string of turtles is easily propagated by division, meaning you can simply divide the plant into several parts and replant them.

  • To propagate by division, wait until the plant is big enough to handle being divided. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the plant into several pieces, making sure each piece has at least one shoot and some roots.
  • The only downside to propagating string of turtles by division is that it can take a while for the plant to become established. But, once it does, you’ll be rewarded with lots of new plants!

You can also propagate this plant by seed, but it will take a bit longer for the plants to grow.

  • Start by harvesting the seeds from ripe fruit. Sow the seeds in moist soil and keep them warm and well-lit until they germinate, then transplant them to their final location. It will likely take several months for the plants to grow large enough to be divided.
  • However, there is one disadvantage to propagating string of turtles by seed – the plants may not be as true to type as those propagated by division.

How to Propagate String of Turtles

In addition to propagation by division and seed, a string of turtles can also be propagated via stem cuttings.

  • To propagate a plant via stem cuttings, take a sharp knife or scissors and cut off a healthy stem from the parent plant. Strip away the leaves from the bottom two-thirds of the cutting and dip them in rooting hormone powder. Plant the cutting in moist soil and keep it watered until it becomes established.

In short, there are several ways to propagate a string of turtles. Which method you choose will depend on how many plants you want and how much time you’re willing to wait for them to grow.

It will likely take several weeks for the plant to start growing new leaves and become healthy enough to be divided or transplanted.

Propagation in Water

There is one more propagation method for the string of turtles plant and that is propagation in water.

  • To propagate the plant in water, take a small pot or container and fill it with fresh, clean water. Cut off a section of the plant stem that has at least two leaves attached to it and place it into the water. The section of the plant stem should be completely submerged in the water.
  • Place the container in a sunny spot and keep the water fresh and clean. The plant will produce new roots and stems from the section of stem that is submerged in the water.

If you choose this propagation method, be sure to change the water in the container every day and keep it in a sunny spot. The plant will grow faster this way.

A string of turtles is a hardy plant that is easy to propagate, so don’t be afraid to try a few different methods.

A string of turtles’ plant propagation is easy and fun, making it a great plant for beginner gardeners.

If you are having difficulty propagating your plant, don’t give up! Contact your local gardening center or plant nursery for advice and assistance. They will be more than happy to help.

No matter how you propagate your string of turtles, make sure to give them plenty of water and fertilizer to keep them healthy. With a little bit of care, you can have a thriving string of turtles plant in no time!


How long does it take for a string of turtles to root?

It can take a few weeks for a string of turtles to start rooting. Once they have started, be sure to keep the soil moist but not wet. Too much water can damage the plant and prevent it from taking root.

How do I know if my plant is healthy?

The best way to tell if your plant is healthy is to look at the leaves. Healthy plants will have green, vibrant leaves. If the leaves are starting to turn yellow or brown, your plant may be sick.

What should I do if my plant is sick?

If your plant is sick, you may need to take it back to the store where you bought it for a refund or exchange. If your plant is too far gone, you may need to throw it away and start over with a new plant.

How do I care for my string of turtles once it has taken root?

Once your plant has taken root, you will need to water it regularly. Be sure to keep the soil moist but not wet. You may also need to fertilize your plant every few months. Use a balanced fertilizer that is specifically made for houseplants.

Useful Video: String of Turtles :: Houseplant Care Guide

Final Thoughts

A string of turtles can be a great plant to have in your garden, as they are easy to care for and propagate. They look great when planted in a row and make for a unique addition to any landscape. Be sure to include a string of turtles in your next garden project!

Now you know all about a string of turtles and how to care for them. By following the tips in this guide, you can create a thriving string of turtle plants that will bring beauty to your yard or garden.

So what are you waiting for? Grow your own string of turtles today!

If you’re interested in learning more about plant propagation, be sure to check out our other blog posts on the subject. Be sure to propagate some new plants and share them with your friends!

Thanks for reading! Come back soon!

