Pink Princess Philodendron: Care, Propagation, and More

Pink Princess Philodendron: Care, Propagation, and More

The Pink Princess Philodendron (Philodendron erubescens) is a beautiful, vining plant that can add a touch of elegance to any room. It’s also easy to care for, and can be propagated quite easily. In this blog post, we will discuss the care and propagation of the Pink Princess Philodendron, as well as provide some information about its benefits.

Why is the philodendron pink princess so expensive?

The pink princess philodendron is one of the most expensive types of philodendrons on the market.

The reason for this is that it’s a hybrid plant that was created in a lab and is very difficult to cultivate. It is a cross between two other philodendron varieties, and it is very rare.

It takes a lot of time and effort to get a pink princess philodendron to grow, so growers charge more for them.

One more reason the plant is expensive is that it’s in high demand. People love the pink princess for its unique color and because it’s a hard-to-find plant.

Because of its rarity, the pink princess philodendron can sell for hundreds of dollars at nurseries and online retailers.

Is pink Princess philodendron worth it?

Many people wonder if the pink Princess philodendron is worth it. This question can be tough to answer because everyone’s opinion of what is “worth it” will differ. However, this plant does have some great qualities that may make it worth purchasing for your home or office.

Is pink Princess philodendron worth it?

Some of the benefits of having a pink Princess philodendron around include:

  • The plant is easy to care for and does not require a lot of maintenance.
  • It helps improve air quality by removing toxins from the air.
  • The pink Princess philodendron is a beautiful addition to any space and will brighten up any room.
  • The plant is also a great way to add some greenery to your environment.
  • It also can be used in medicine to help treat asthma and other respiratory problems.
  • The plant can be propagated easily, so you can share its beauty with others.

So, is the pink Princess philodendron worth it? In short, yes! This plant has a lot to offer and is a great addition to any home or office. If you are looking for a low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for and beautiful to look at, the pink Princess philodendron is definitely worth considering.

How to take care of pink Princess philodendron?

Pink Princess philodendron is easy to take care of. However, there are many things you need to keep in mind if you want your plant to thrive.

Every plant is different, so make sure to read the instructions that come with your philodendron.

If you don’t care for your philodendron properly, it may not thrive.

Some of the most important things to remember when taking care of a pink Princess philodendron are:


The very first thing you need to consider when caring for a pink princess philodendron is the amount of light it will receive. Light is very important because it helps the plant to grow and produce food. Moreover, it is necessary for the plant to undergo photosynthesis in order to create energy.

  • Place your philodendron in a spot where it will receive bright, indirect light.

Ideally, your pink princess philodendron will need at least six hours of indirect sunlight each day. If you can’t provide that much light, then you’ll need to supplement with artificial light. Fluorescent light bulbs work well for this purpose.

Such bulbs should be placed 18 to 24 inches away from the plant and should be turned on for at least 12 hours each day.


If you’re having trouble getting your pink princess philodendron to grow, it might not be receiving enough light. Try moving it to a spot where it will receive more sunlight or supplement with artificial light.

If your philodendron is not getting enough light, it will start to stretch in search of light. This can cause the plant to become lanky and leggy.

If you’re keeping your pink princess philodendron in a sunny spot, be sure to give it some shade during the hottest part of the day.

Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. Moreover, direct sunlight can also cause the plant to become leggy.

If you are not sure how much light your plant needs, place it in a spot that receives morning sun and afternoon shade. It will be happy there.


The second most important part of caring for your Philodendron is watering it. It must be taken into account because the plant loves moisture and can be overwatered very easily.

The plant needs water to survive, but you don’t want to overwater it either. The best way to water a Philodendron is to wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering it again. It is also important not to water the leaves of the plant, as this will cause them to rot.

Philodendrons are able to tolerate a range of water conditions, so you don’t have to be too precise with your watering. However, it is important to avoid letting the plant sit in water or in a wet environment.

The best way to determine if your Philodendron needs water is to check the soil. If the top inch of soil is dry, then it’s time to water the plant.


In addition to checking the soil, you can also look at the leaves of the plant to see if they are wilting. If they are wilting, then it means the plant is not getting enough water and needs to be watered immediately.

If you often forget to water your plants, then you can use a watering timer to help remind you. It is a small investment that can save your plants from dying.

If you plan to go on vacation, you can also ask a friend or neighbor to water your plants for you. Another option is to purchase a self-watering pot for your Philodendron.


The next step is humidity. Pink princess philodendrons need a lot of humidity to thrive, so you’ll want to keep the potting medium moist at all times. It is important because the leaves tend to droop when the environment is too dry.

If you live in a dry climate, consider growing your philodendron as a houseplant. In this case, make sure to keep it near a sunny window. The plant prefers high humidity levels, between 50 and 70%. You can increase the humidity around your plant by misting it regularly or placing it in a humid environment.

If the leaves do droop, it’s important to raise the humidity level as soon as possible because wilting can lead to leaf loss.
  1. One way to do this is to place the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles. The pebbles will help keep the pot from sitting in water and will also raise the humidity level around the plant. You can also mist the leaves of the philodendron with water a couple of times a day to increase the humidity.
  2. If your home has low humidity, you may need to use a humidifier. Philodendrons do not like cold drafts, so make sure to place them in a spot where they will not be exposed to cold air.
  3. Another way to increase humidity is to grow the plant in a terrarium. A terrarium is a sealed container that has high humidity levels, so it’s perfect for philodendrons. You can buy a pre-made terrarium or make your own.

To make your own terrarium, you’ll need a glass jar or bottle, some potting soil, a few pebbles, and some plants. Start by adding a layer of pebbles to the bottom of the jar. This will help with drainage and also keep the potting soil from washing away. Next, add a layer of potting soil. Add your plants and then add another layer of pebbles. You can top it off with a layer of moss if you like.

Make sure to water your terrarium regularly, and don’t let the potting soil dry out. You may also need to increase the humidity levels in your home by using a humidifier or another method.


So make sure to keep an eye on the humidity levels in your home and adjust as necessary. With a little bit of care, your pink princess philodendron will thrive!


Another important factor to consider when caring for your pink princess philodendron is temperature. It should be taken into account because the plant thrives in warm environments.  This means that the ideal spot for it is somewhere with a lot of sunlight and warmth. If you don’t have a spot like this in your home, consider using a grow light to supplement some heat.

The ideal temperature range for a pink princess philodendron is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is too low, your plant may not grow as well. If the temperature is too high, it can cause leaf scorching or even death.

Make sure to keep your pink princess philodendron in a warm spot, especially if you live in a colder climate. If the temperature in your home falls outside of this range, you may need to move your plant to a warmer location or use a heat mat to keep it at the correct temperature.

In addition, you can also purchase a plant thermometer to monitor the temperature of your pink princess philodendron. This will help you keep track of whether or not the plant is in the ideal temperature range.

If it is too hot in the room, you should move the plant to a cooler location.

Make sure that the plant is getting enough light and water indoor plants can be easy to neglect. Check with your local nursery for more information on caring for indoor plants. They will be able to help you with all of your care needs.

As with any plant, it is important to monitor the temperature conditions in order to create an environment that will allow your pink princess philodendron to thrive. Following these simple tips should help keep your plant looking beautiful for years to come!

Potting Mix

The next step is potting your philodendron in a potting mix. It is important because the mix will help to hold moisture and keep the plant healthy.

A good potting mix for philodendrons usually contains some combination of peat moss, sand, perlite, and vermiculite. You can also add compost to the mix.

Potting Mix

You can either make your own or purchase a pre-made mix from your local garden center. When choosing a potting mix, be sure to read the label to make sure it is specifically made for philodendrons.

In addition, be sure to keep the potting mix moist, but not wet. Too much water can cause the roots to rot.

If you are propagating your philodendron, you will need to use a potting mix that is high in organic matter. This will help to keep the new plant healthy while it establishes itself.


One more thing to keep in mind when caring for a pink princess philodendron is fertilizing. It is an important part of keeping the plant healthy and growing.

A good fertilizer to use is one that is high in nitrogen. Fertilize your philodendron every two weeks during its growing season, which is spring through summer.

You can also give your plant a dose of diluted manure tea every month or two. Simply mix one part of fresh manure with four parts of water, and pour it over the soil around the plant. Be sure to avoid getting any on the leaves, as it can cause them to burn.

In addition, you can also give your philodendron a boost by feeding it with compost or manure every six months.

If you’re not sure how to fertilize your pink princess philodendron, or if you’re having trouble with leaf burn, ask a local garden center for advice.


When your Pink Princess Philodendron has outgrown its pot, it’s time to repot it. Repotting a philodendron is very easy—just follow these simple steps:

Remove the plant from its current pot and shake off any loose soil. Inspect the root ball and cut away any dead or rotting roots with a sharp knife.


If the pot is too small, loosen the soil in the bottom and add some fresh soil. Place the plant in the new pot and fill in around the roots with more fresh soil. Compact the soil lightly but do not pack it down. Water well to help settle the soil.

Philodendrons like to be pot-bound, so don’t report them too often. Repot only when the plant has outgrown its current pot or if the soil is very dry.

When choosing a pot for your philodendron, be sure to pick one that is large enough to hold the plant’s root ball. The pot should have drainage holes in the bottom so excess water can escape.

In addition, be sure to choose a pot with a saucer or tray to catch the water that drains from the pot. This will help keep your plants and furniture dry.

If the pot is too small, your plant may become root-bound and will not grow well. If the pot is too large, the plant may become waterlogged and die.


Propagation is the process of creating more plants from a single plant. Philodendrons are easy plants to propagate. There are several ways to propagate philodendrons, but the most common is by rooting stem cuttings.

  • Take a healthy stem cutting from your plant and remove any leaves from the bottom two-thirds of the cutting. Stick the cutting into moist potting soil and water well. Place the pot in a bright, sunny spot and keep the soil moist. Roots will form in two to four weeks and you can then transplant your new philodendron into its own pot.
  • Another way to propagate philodendrons is by division. When a philodendron plant becomes too large for its pot, it can be divided into two or more plants. To divide a philodendron, carefully dig up the plant and then use a sharp knife to cut it into several pieces. Each piece should have at least one leaf and one root. Replant the divisions in moist potting soil and water well.

The division is also a way to propagate philodendron plants that are not growing well. If a philodendron plant is not doing well, it can be divided into several healthy-looking sections.

  • One more way to propagate philodendrons is by air layering. Air layering is a way to propagate plants that have large, woody stems. To air layer, a philodendron, choose a healthy stem and make a small cut in the bark. Apply rooting hormone to the cut and then wrap the stem in moist sphagnum moss. Tape the moss in place and then wait for roots to form. Once the roots have formed, cut the stem from the parent plant and transplant it into the soil.

Propagation in water is another way to propagate philodendrons.

  • To propagate a philodendron in water, take a healthy stem cutting. Dip the end of the cutting in water and then place it in a glass or jar of water. Place the glass or jar in a sunny spot and keep the water level high. This method will take a little longer than the other methods, but it is a great way to propagate new plants with very little effort.

Usually, philodendrons propagate best when the soil is moist but not wet. Make sure to water your plant regularly, especially during the summer months.

There you have it! Some easy ways to propagate your philodendron plants. Propagation is a great way to get new plants without having to buy them from a nursery or garden center. So, go ahead and try some of these methods to propagate your own philodendrons.


Is pink princess philodendron toxic to pets?

No, pink princess philodendron is not toxic to pets. In fact, it is often recommended for homes with pets because it is non-toxic and easy to care for.

How big do pink princess philodendrons get?

Pink princess philodendrons typically get between two and four feet tall, but they can grow significantly larger if given the right conditions.

How do you get more variegation in pink princess?

The variegation in pink princess philodendron is genetic, so it cannot be changed. However, the amount of variegation can vary from plant to plant.

Where do pink princess philodendrons come from?

Pink princess philodendron is a hybrid of two different species of philodendron. It is native to South America, but it can be grown in many parts of the world.

Useful Video: Pink Princess Philodendron ~ How to Grow and Care for Your Pink Princess

Final Thoughts

The Pink Princess Philodendron is an easy-to-care-for plant that brings life and color to any space. It’s beautiful and can be propagated easily, making it a perfect addition to any home or office. With just a little bit of care, this plant can thrive for years to come.

It offers many benefits, including improved air quality and more vibrant living space. Moreover, it’s a wonderful way to bring nature indoors and show your love for plants.

Thanks for reading! I hope this has been informative and helpful. Be sure to check out my other blog posts for more information on plants and gardening. Happy planting! 🙂

