Hawaiian Pothos: Care, Propagation, and More

Hawaiian Pothos: Care, Propagation, and More

The Hawaiian rushes, also referred to as Epipremnum aureum or Golden Rushes, is a common indoor plant that is appreciated for the lush and leafy foliage and minimal care requirements. It’s a great choice for people new to plant ownership, or those with busy schedules who want to enjoy the health and aesthetic benefits of indoor greenery without the demanding upkeep. In this guide, we’ll explore the best practices for caring for your Hawaiian Pothos, tips on propagating, and more. Stick around to transform your indoor gardening experience.

Hawaiian Pothos Care


Hawaiian Potosi is a sustainable to external influences plant that can adapt to a range of lighting conditions. It thrives best in bright, indirect light which encourages vibrant foliage and steady growth. However, it also can withstand little light conditions, making it suitable for spaces with less natural bright exposure. Despite its flexibility, it is essential that this herb is not ever placed in direct light for prolonged hours, as it can lead to leaf burns, resulting in unsightly brown spots. If you notice the leaves becoming pale or losing their variegation, this could be a sign that your plant is not getting sufficient light. Adjust the plant’s position as needed to provide it with the optimal light conditions.



The Hawaiian Pothos is not overly fussy about its soil, but it does prefer a well-draining variety to avoid excessive irrigation and corner rot. A good mix to try is commercially available indoor potted plant soil with a bit of perlite or coarse sand mixed in for improved drainage. Additionally, you may also consider using peat moss or coir fiber to increase the soil’s capacity to retain moisture without becoming waterlogged. The pH should ideally be weakly acidic or balanced (6.1 to 6.5), which matches the Pothos’s natural rainforest habitat. Regularly check the soil conditions to ensure it’s providing the right environment for your plant’s roots. If your plant looks unhealthy, the soil could be a factor, so don’t hesitate to explore other mix options.


Watering the Hawaiian Pothos correctly is crucial to its health and vitality. This flower likes the soil to dry out slightly between irrigations. The upper centimeter of potting soil must be kept dry to the feel before you add some water again. Give it a careful watering till you notice that it is running out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pan. This method makes sure that the liquid gets to all areas of the root zone. Be sure to empty any remaining water in the drain tray after watering to prevent the plant from sitting in water, which can lead to root rot. In the course of the warmer months, you might find yourself watering your Pothos once a week or more, while in the winter or in cooler climates, watering might drop back up to every couple of weeks. Remember that excessive irrigation is a common error plant owners make, so when in doubt, it is preferable to be below water than above water. Always regulate the irrigation rate depending on the particular needs of your plant, considering factors such as light exposure, humidity, and temperature.

Heat and Moisture

The Hawaiian Pothos thrives in temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, much like the indoor climate of many homes and offices. It’s important to avoid sudden temperature swings, as this can stress the plant. Similarly, try to keep your plant away from direct drafts from heaters, air conditioners, or open windows, especially during the colder months. As for humidity, this plant is relatively adaptable. However, being a tropical plant, it appreciates a more humid environment. If the atmosphere in your room is drier, you can raise the moisture content around the flower by placing it together with another flower, placing it on a pallet with pebbles and some water, or utilizing a room humidifier. Regular fogging can also help, but be cautious not to overdo it and make the surrounding area damp, as this can invite fungal diseases. Remember, while that plant is hardy and adaptable, it’s still important to mimic its native environment as much as possible for optimal growth.

Heat and Moisture


In terms of fertilizing, the Hawaiian Pothos is not a demanding plant. It can grow successfully without frequent fertilization, making it an outstanding selection for those seeking a low-maintenance houseplant. However, to give your plant a boost and promote more vigorous growth, it can be fertilized with a calibrated soluble fertilizer for indoor plants once a month during the vegetation period (spring and summer). In the cooler seasons of autumn and winter, the feeding rate can be reduced to once in every couple of months or even skipped altogether, as the plant’s growth naturally slows down during this period. Ensure adhere to the prescribed dosage of the fertilizer package to avoid overfertilising, which can potentially harm the plant. Moreover, always water your Pothos carefully when spreading fertilizers to help it absorb the nutrients and prevent the fertilizer from burning the roots. As always, observe your plant’s response to the feeding regimen and adjust as needed. If the leaves start to show signs of browning or yellowing, it might indicate over-fertilization, and you should cut back. Remember: less is often more when it comes to fertilizing houseplants.[1]


Pruning your Hawaiian Pothos is not only essential for maintaining a pleasing shape, but it also encourages the plant to become bushier and healthier. Regular pruning will help keep your Pothos compact and prevent it from becoming too leggy. Additionally, cutting back the plant can stimulate new growth and give your Pothos an overall fuller appearance. To prune, simply cut just above a leaf node, the point where a leaf or branch is attached to the stem. This is where new leaves will sprout. Remember to use a sterile pair of sharp scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts and prevent disease transmission. Pruning is best done in the spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing, but you can remove dead or yellowing leaves at any time of the year. Always remove wilted, discolored, or diseased leaves as soon as possible to keep your Pothos healthy and vibrant. If your Pothos is exceptionally long or unruly, don’t be afraid to give it a good trim. The plant is quite hardy and will bounce back quickly. Remember, regular pruning is a key aspect of caring for your Pothos and will yield a lush and thriving plant.[2]

Propagating Hawaiian Pothos

One of the great joys of owning a Hawaiian Pothos is how easily it can be propagated, allowing you to multiply your collection or share with friends and family. Propagation is typically carried out by stem cuttings. To begin, choose a healthy vine that has at least 4 nodes (the small, brown bumps on the stem where leaves grow). Cut just below a node using a sanitized pair of scissors or pruning shears. Remove leaves from the bottom node, leaving at least two or three leaves on the top. Once you’ve prepared your cutting, place it in a jar or glass of clean water, ensuring that the node is submerged. Position the jar in a location with bright, indirect sunlight and change the water every few days to keep it fresh. Within one to two weeks, you should start to see roots beginning to form. Once these roots are a few inches long, your cutting is ready to be potted in soil. Use the same soil mixture as recommended for mature Pothos and water thoroughly. Keep the new plant’s environment consistently warm and humid, and within a few weeks, you should see new growth. As always, be patient and remember that propagation success varies and may take a few tries. The Hawaiian Pothos is a resilient plant, and with a bit of care and attention, you can soon have a new addition to your indoor jungle.[2]

Propagating Hawaiian Pothos

Potting and Repotting Hawaiian Pothos

When it comes to potting a Hawaiian Pothos, select a container with good drainage to prevent waterlogging. Use a well-draining soil mix, preferably a blend of peat moss, perlite, and compost. This ensures the roots receive adequate oxygen, while the compost provides essential nutrients for plant growth.

Repotting this resilient houseplant is typically necessary every two to three years, or when the roots start growing out of the drainage holes. The best time to repot is in the spring or early summer when the plant is in its active growth phase. Gently remove the plant from its current pot, taking care to minimize damage to the root system. Trim off any dead, discolored, or overly tangled roots before placing it in a new container. The new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one, providing room for the roots to spread and grow. Fill the pot with fresh soil mix and water thoroughly.

After repotting, place your Hawaiian Pothos in a spot with bright, indirect light to encourage it to settle into its new home. Always monitor the plant’s response to repotting and adjust watering and light conditions as needed. A successful repotting process encourages healthier growth and a more vibrant Pothos plant.[2]

Common Problems With Hawaiian Pothos

Despite its resilience, the Hawaiian Pothos can face a few common problems that may affect its health and growth. Yellowing leaves, for instance, can be a sign of overwatering or poor drainage. If the plant’s leaves become brown or crispy, it could signal low humidity or underwatering. If you notice stunted growth or pale leaves, this could indicate a lack of necessary nutrients, in which case, a balanced fertilizer may be needed. Over-fertilization, however, can lead to salt build-up in the soil, causing leaf tip burn.

Another common issue is pest infestation. Pests such as mealybugs, scale, and spider mites are attracted to Pothos plants. These can be removed by wiping the leaves with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of mild soap and water or by using an insecticidal soap. Always isolate infested plants to prevent pests from spreading to other plants.

If your Pothos exhibits leaf drop or wilting despite regular watering, it could be a sign of root rot, often caused by overwatering or waterlogged soil. It’s essential to ensure your Pothos is planted in well-draining soil, and it’s watered according to the plant’s requirements.

Keep in mind that the Hawaiian Pothos is an incredibly flexible plant that can often recover from these issues when given proper care and attention. As with all plant care, it’s essential to observe your plant regularly and respond to any changes in its appearance or growth.[2]

Common Problems


How do you propagate Hawaiian pothos?

Propagating Hawaiian Pothos is a straightforward process that even novice plant enthusiasts can carry out with ease. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Begin by selecting a healthy vine that has at least 4 nodes (the small, brown bumps on the stem where leaves grow).
  2. Using a sanitized pair of scissors or pruning shears, make a cut just below a node.
  3. Remove leaves from the bottom node, leaving at least two or three leaves on the top.
  4. Once you’ve prepared your cutting, place it in a jar or glass of clean water, ensuring that the node is submerged.
  5. Position the jar in a location with bright, indirect sunlight. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh.
  6. In one to two weeks, you should start seeing roots begin to form. Once these roots are a few inches long, your cutting is ready to be potted in soil.
  7. Use the same soil mixture as recommended for mature Pothos and water thoroughly.
  8. Keep the new plant’s environment consistently warm and humid, and within a few weeks, you should see new growth.

Remember, propagation success varies and it may take a few tries. But with patience and care, your Hawaiian Pothos cuttings can thrive and become a new addition to your indoor plant collection.

Can Hawaiian pothos grow in water?

Yes, Hawaiian Pothos can indeed grow in water! Known for their adaptability, these plants have the remarkable ability to thrive in both traditional soil environments and in water. If you’re interested in growing your Pothos hydroponically, the process is quite simple. Begin by taking cuttings from an existing Pothos plant and carefully rinse the roots to remove any residual soil. Then, place the cuttings in a clean jar filled with water, ensuring that the roots are fully submerged. It’s important to note that the water should be changed every few days to prevent the buildup of bacteria or algae. Additionally, these plants require bright, indirect light to flourish, so be sure to provide them with a suitable location. While Hawaiian Pothos grown in water may not reach the same size or grow as quickly as those planted in soil, they still possess the ability to provide that lush, tropical aesthetic that makes them such beloved houseplants. Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that growth in water means the nutrients typically provided by soil will need to be supplemented. To ensure optimal growth, consider adding a water-soluble fertilizer to the jar every few weeks. With a little care and attention, you can enjoy the beauty of Hawaiian Pothos thriving in water, bringing a touch of the tropics into your home.

Can Hawaiian pothos grow in water?

Are Hawaiian pothos rare?

While Hawaiian Pothos are not considered rare, they are certainly unique and much-loved among houseplant enthusiasts for their beautiful variegated leaves and hardy nature. These stunning plants, with their vibrant shades of green and splashes of creamy yellow, add a touch of elegance to any indoor space. They are widely available in many nurseries and plant shops, as well as through online retailers, making them accessible to plant lovers everywhere.

However, their popularity can sometimes make them harder to find, particularly in places with high demand. As more and more people discover the beauty and resilience of Hawaiian Pothos, the demand for these captivating plants continues to rise. Some specific varieties of Pothos, like the golden or marble queen variants, are somewhat less common and may be considered rare or more valuable by collectors. These unique variations, with their distinctive patterns and colorations, are highly sought after by those who appreciate the finer details of plant diversity.

It’s important to note that the rarity of a plant can vary depending on the region and the demand among local house plant enthusiasts. In some areas, Hawaiian Pothos may be readily available and easily accessible, while in others, they may be more elusive and highly coveted. Regardless of their rarity, the allure of Hawaiian Pothos lies not only in their scarcity but also in the joy they bring to those who nurture and appreciate their natural beauty.

Can I grow Hawaiian pothos indoors?

Absolutely! Hawaiian Pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum pinnatum, make excellent indoor plants and are favored for their adaptability and low maintenance requirements. These versatile plants can thrive in a range of light conditions, although they prefer bright, indirect light that mimics their natural habitat. It’s important to avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as the intense rays can scorch their delicate leaves.

Pothos plants are also known for their flexibility in terms of humidity. They can tolerate the drier air typically found in most homes, but they will appreciate occasional misting or placement on a pebble tray filled with water to increase humidity levels. This extra moisture helps to create a more tropical environment for these beautiful plants.

When it comes to watering, it’s important to strike the right balance. Remember to water your Hawaiian Pothos only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and let the soil dry out slightly between waterings.

One of the reasons why Hawaiian Pothos is a popular choice for indoor plant enthusiasts is their ability to adapt to average room temperatures. They can thrive in the comfortable temperature range typically found in homes, making them a perfect addition to your indoor plant collection.

With their cascading vines and beautifully variegated leaves, Hawaiian Pothos can bring a touch of tropical beauty and vibrant greenery to any indoor space. Whether you place them on a shelf, hang them in a macrame planter, or let them trail down from a high ledge, these stunning plants are sure to create a visually appealing focal point in your home.

Can I grow Hawaiian pothos indoors?

Can Hawaiian pothos be in direct sunlight?

Hawaiian Pothos, also known as Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen,’ is a versatile plant that can thrive in various lighting conditions. While it can tolerate a wide range of light, it truly shines when placed in bright, indirect light. This type of lighting provides the perfect balance for the plant’s growth and variegation.

However, it’s important to note that direct sunlight can be detrimental to Hawaiian Pothos. Too much exposure to direct sun can lead to leaf damage, such as scorching or fading of the beautiful variegated patterns. If you have a sunny window, consider using a sheer curtain to filter the light or placing the plant a bit away from the window to avoid direct sun. By doing so, you can protect your Hawaiian Pothos and ensure its long-term health.

On the other hand, it’s equally crucial not to deprive your plant of sufficient light. Insufficient light can result in slower growth and a loss of variegation. So, finding the right balance is key to maintaining a healthy and thriving Hawaiian Pothos.

Remember, with proper care and attention to lighting, your Hawaiian Pothos will reward you with its lush foliage and captivating beauty.

Do pothos like lots of sun?

While Pothos plants are known for their adaptability to various lighting conditions, it’s important to note that they don’t necessarily require or prefer excessive direct sunlight. In fact, exposing them to too much intense sunlight can have detrimental effects. Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can cause the leaves to become scorched, resulting in a faded or bleached appearance, which can compromise the overall aesthetics of the plant.

On the other hand, Pothos plants thrive best in bright, indirect light. Providing them with the right amount of indirect light ensures optimal growth and maintains the vibrant variegation on the leaves. However, if the Pothos is exposed to lower light conditions, it can still survive, albeit with some potential changes. The variegation on the leaves may fade, and the plant growth may slow down. Hence, finding the right balance of light exposure is crucial to ensure the long-term health and vibrancy of your beloved Pothos plant.

Taking into account these specific lighting requirements, you can create an ideal environment for your Pothos plant to flourish, adding a touch of natural beauty and greenery to your space.

Useful Video: How to Successfully Root and Grow Giant Hawaiian Pothos | Plant Propagation


Caring for and propagating Hawaiian Pothos is a truly rewarding and fulfilling endeavor, appealing to both beginner and seasoned plant enthusiasts alike. With their stunning variegated leaves and remarkable hardiness, they undoubtedly make a striking and captivating addition to any indoor plant collection. These tropical beauties possess an innate ability to thrive in a diverse range of environments, adapting effortlessly to their surroundings.

While Hawaiian Pothos can tolerate a variety of conditions, they do prefer bright, indirect light and regular, balanced watering. It’s important to strike the right balance, as excessive direct sunlight or overwatering can cause damage and impede their growth. By providing them with the optimal conditions, you’ll witness their transformation into lush, vibrant specimens that breathe life into your space.

Whether you choose to grow them in soil or water, consistent care and patience are key. It’s worth noting that successful plant care often involves a degree of trial and error. Don’t be disheartened if your Pothos doesn’t thrive immediately; instead, view it as an opportunity to experiment with different conditions and care routines. Over time, you’ll discover the perfect balance that allows your Hawaiian Pothos to flourish and thrive, rewarding you with its enduring beauty.

So, embark on this delightful journey of tending to your Hawaiian Pothos. Embrace the intricate details of their growth and development, and revel in the lush green aesthetic they bring to your space. Remember, the journey itself is as gratifying as the destination, and with time, care, and exploration, you’ll witness the true potential of these remarkable plants.


  1. https://gardenpals.com/hawaiian-pothos/
  2. https://www.thespruce.com/hawaiian-pothos-growing-guide-7092450