Curly Spider Plant: Care, Propagation, and More

The Curly Spider Plant is a beautiful and easy houseplant that requires little maintenance. It’s perfect for beginners, as well as people who don’t have green thumbs.

This guide will answer common questions about how to care for your new friend. We’ll provide useful tips so you can keep them healthy in their natural environment easily.

Bonnie Curly Spider Plant Care

The plants are perfect for those who want to keep their homes cool and green. These tough plants can tolerate a wide range of conditions, making them great in any home! To care for your plants, make sure you never let the soil dry out. Just water it regularly as needed so that it stays moist but not too wet (you don’t want mold!).

Bonnie Curly Spider Plant Care

The plants require a lot of attention and care. They like the soil to be moist, so we recommend watering them every two weeks during summer months when it’s hot outside. But make sure not too much gets wasted since this plant can easily dry out even if you give him some extra love!

For those who live in colder climates or have lowland areas where there isn’t much rain throughout winter – fertilizing once monthly works well because these plants don’t need as much food. [1]

Size & Growth

Curly Spider Plants have a playful, natural feel that’s hard to miss with their distinctive curled leaves. They can grow up 24 inches tall and wide. The stems are light green or yellow-green. They stand out against the white flowers on long wiry stalks.

They are a delicate and slow growing plant, but they can live for several years with proper care.

Flowering & Fragrance

The Curly Spider Plant is a unique and beautiful plant that produces small, white flowers with a sweet fragrance. The blooms of this plant appear in summer months. The flowers are followed by small, green berries that ripen to a deep red color.

Flowering & Fragrance

Curly Spider Plants are not known to be toxic, but their sap can cause skin irritation in some people. If you experience any adverse reactions after coming into contact with the nectar or pollen of this plant, wash your hands immediately and thoroughly!

The plant is an evergreen, meaning it will retain its leaves year-round. Even though this beautiful plant may lose some of its leaves during winter months, it always grows back beautifully over time. [1]

Light & Temperature

They prefer bright light but can also handle some shade. The ideal temperature for your ficus tree is between 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit, but if it gets too much direct sun or it gets cold (below 60°F or 15 C), the leaves will turn brown and fall off. You can prevent this by covering them up!

To keep your curly spider plant healthy, purchase a young one from the nursery. If you have an older variety of a plant and want to divide it into smaller plants to give away, that is possible. You could propagate by seed or divisions, depending on what is needed. The situation determines which way works best.

Fill a pot that is at least 12 inches wide and has drainage holes with well-draining soil. Water the mixture until it feels evenly moist. Let the mixture drain for an hour or two. Then place your plant in its new home and let it all set together properly.

The material above the window should be able to stay in place now that it has been pressed down. The material will expand and fill in any spaces. This happens because of the roots that feed off moisture below. [1]

Watering & Feeding

Keep your Curly Spider Plant moist. In winter, water it less often, but make sure to water it whenever the top few inches are dry before adding more moisture into that area again. Feed your plants with balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growth season.

Curly Spider Plants are light-bodied, making them less susceptible to fertilizer burn. You can use a little bit of product if you are careful about how much you put on and when. Make sure not to put too much on at one time.

The Curly Spider Plant is a beautiful, hardy plant that can be fertilized throughout the entire year. If it is always warm where you live or if the climate is good for having long days with a lot of sun, then we recommend applying fertilizer every two weeks during the spring and summer months.

In the fall, when it is colder, you will only need to fertilize once a month. Even though these tough plants can thrive in any season, it is best not to pluck them by hand. They will thank you later.

Soil & Repotting

To grow efficiently, the plant needs well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. However, it can tolerate moderate amounts of water if it is given extended periods without rain or during times when the area has received a lot of rain, but not enough moisture has been left behind. Adding mulch around the base of your plants can help keep more liquid available at all times.

Soil & Repotting

You will need to repot your plant every one or two years, depending on how quickly it grows. You can choose to keep it short and bushy, or let it grow taller with branches reaching up towards the light. [3]


The Curly Spider Plant requires continued attention and care to maintain its healthy appearance. Apply fertilizer every other week during the growing season for the best results. If you prefer, you can use a water-soluble brand, just make sure that it gets wet enough so that it does not kill any of the existing roots.

It’s important to fertilize the soil regularly. You can use a water-soluble fertilizer or slow release granular to help promote strong growth and dense foliage. Apply it every other week when the weather is hot and your plants need some extra love!

To encourage your Curly Spider Plant to bloom, use a fertilizer with higher phosphorus levels. If you want your flowers to bloom throughout the year, don’t fertilize them right before winter. This can lead to new growth that won’t be able to survive the cold weather.

The plant is a low-light, water shortage tolerance species. You don’t want to fertilize your plants too much, because it can make the roots burn and the leaves turn yellow. If you think your plant is getting too much fertilizer, flush out the soil by watering deeply. This will help to dilute the concentration of the fertilizer before you apply more next time. [3]

Spider Plant Varieties

The most common variety of spider plant is Curly Spider Plant. The plant has long, thin leaves that curl at the edges. It can grow as tall as two feet in height! This succulent will grow quickly and fill any empty spaces in your garden. It has vines that will make your garden look nice. The succulent doesn’t need soil to grow. You just need to make sure it doesn’t get too much sun.

Spider Plant Varieties

There are many different types of plants that you can choose for your house. You can find plants that are different from the normal ones, or you can just find new kinds of plants to put in your house. They all need to be cared for in a similar way and will also make your home smell nice.

Spider plants are survivors. If you forget to water them for a week or two, they will still be just fine. Your spider plant will be okay even if you water it less than you are supposed to. In fact, over-watering may kill your plant, so it is better to water it too little than too much.

Curly Spider Diseases & Pests

It is a tough and low maintenance plant. However, there are a few pests and diseases that can affect it.

They are vulnerable to the attacks of pesky mites that feed on their sap. Over time, this can cause leaves to turn yellow and eventually drop off!

You can get rid of spider mites by using a commercial insecticide or making your own natural spray. The natural spray is made with water and dish soap.

If your plant is affected by disease, the most likely culprit is root rot. This happens when the plant’s roots are sitting in wet soil for too long and start to rot.

To prevent root rot, make sure you plant in well-draining soil and don’t overwater it. If you think your plant already has root rot, you can try to save it by replanting it in fresh, dry soil. [2]


It’s easy to propagate curly spider plants! The fastest way is by division, which you can do when you repot it or any time there are new growths. To divide the plant: remove it from its pot and shake off the excess soil. Then use a sharp knife (or similar tool) to cut across the roots, dividing the plant into at least 1 section for each leaf.


If the division is small, you can pot it up in the same pot. Otherwise, choose a new pot that’s only slightly larger than the roots and fill with fresh potting mix. Water well and place in indirect sunlight until new growth appears.

In a few weeks, you should see new growth emerging from the center of your plant. This is an indication that it’s time to repot and give them their proper space! Fill each pot with fresh soil before placing it again in a bright indirect light location for best results.

Spider plants are sometimes easier to grow from cuttings than other methods. To do this, take a stem with at least two sets of leaves. Snip it off and dip it in rooting hormone before planting the cutting into fresh potting soil. Make sure not to fill up too much space since these Dracaena palms can get rather large if given plenty room. [3]


How Do You Propagate a Curly Spider Plant?

First, you need to take stem cuttings from an existing mature plant. Make sure to leave at least two leaves attached to the cutting. Fill potting soil so that it is moist but not too wet.

Then, place the pieces in different areas around your house or room to help them grow tall. Put them in a place where they will get some sunlight, but not too much. This way, they will not get sunburned and the new growth will begin to appear. This might take until midsummer, depending on how quickly the temperature rises in your home during the summer.

Keep your newly propagated plants moist with regular watering, and fertilize every other month using a diluted liquid fertilizer solution. When you see new growth appearing it’s time for another round of applications!

When repotting, be sure to use a fresh potting mix and only move them up one pot size at a time. This will help prevent transplant shock.

When you want to grow your own curly spider plant, division is the best way.

Carefully remove the plant from its pot and divide the root ball into two or three sections. replant each section in their own soil-filled containers with plenty of water. Make sure that the water is only slightly damp so that the excess moisture does not cause molding around the roots (which can happen if too much water is absorbed).

You will want to place your newly divided plants near bright indirect sunlight for about one month until new growth begins poking through. Once this happens, you can begin watering them less frequently as desired.

Which method you choose will depend on how big your plant is. If it’s small, division may be the best option for smaller plants; if large-growing and sturdy stem cuttings could work well with larger ones instead!

What are the Ideal Conditions for Growing a Curly Spider Plant?

Curly spider plants are a perfect addition to any household. They prefer bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil that’s on the drier side. So if you live in a hot or extremely dry climate, you might need to water them more frequently, but otherwise these plants will thrive.

Can you Propagate a Spider Plant from a Leaf Cutting?

Spider plants are one of the easiest plants to propagate, making them great for beginners. All you need is a sharp knife and well-draining potting mix! First, cut away any small leaves or buds from your desired leaf cutting.

Make sure not to cut too much flesh off the stem. Then, remove any surfaces that could cause harm if it is mistreated outside of its natural habitat. This includes both dirt and other plant life nearby. Finally, put the seeds/bulbs into a jar that is filled halfway with soil. Add more soil on top of the seeds/bulbs. Place the jar in a bright spot where it will get a lot of sunlight. Keep the soil moist, but not too wet, until new growth appears.

You can also propagate spider plants from offsets, which are small plantlets that form on the ends of long stems. To do this, simply cut the offset away from the main plant with a sharp knife, making sure to include a bit of the stem. Once you have your offset, pot it up in a well-draining potting mix and place it in a bright spot. Keep the soil evenly moist and wait for new growth to appear!

It’s really that simple! With just a little bit of care, you can easily propagate spider plants from leaf cuttings.

Can You Grow Spider Plants From Root Cutting?

Yes, spider plants are easy to grow and there is no need for soil preparation. Fill a pot with moist soil mix and insert the cuttings about two inches deep into your preferred location. Keep them there until new growth begins again (about 2-3 weeks). Once your plants are big enough, you can transplant them outside or into larger pots. It depends on where you want to put them.

These beautiful succulents will thrive with bright indirect light and plenty of watering. Spider plants need to be watered so that they stay moist but not too wet. Check the top soil to make sure it doesn’t get too wet. You can water them by giving them some love every month with balanced fertilizer during the summer, autumn, and spring.

When you get a spider plant, it’s really important to take good care of them. They need lots and love in order for their babies (offsets) to grow into new plants themselves.

Should I Cut the Babies off my Spider Plant?

No, you don’t have to. Spider plants are easy to grow and will continue producing new babies even if you leave them be. But if your goal is neatness, then snip away!

The babies of the spider plant are not only adorable but also great for propagating your own plants. If you want more, then pot them up and give away as gifts or keep some on hand!

The easiest way to pot a baby spider plant is by filling the bottom half of an empty container with well-draining soil and placing your newly planted seed atop. To water your newly planted tree, gently press around the soil so that there are no air pockets left inside.

Then, water it thoroughly until all sides have been moistened but not soggy (about 2 weeks). You can keep your new plants happy by giving them enough sunlight and only watering them when necessary.

Spider plants are not only beautiful, but also contain toxins that could be dangerous for pets and small children. If you have any of these in your home, please contact a professional immediately. They can help make sure your home is safe.

How do you Start a Spider Plant from a Cutting?

Spider plants are easy to grow, but you need the right soil for them. Make sure that it’s moist and not too dry or else your cutting will wilt in comparison with its surroundings!

Once you have caught one of these pesky creatures, cut off any dead stems and plant it into an appropriate potting mix. You will need to water it well multiple times per day.

Spider plants are easy to grow and will form a strong stem with many leaves lighting up your room. To start off such an endeavor, you need only find some spider plant babies on the end of their stems (you may recognize them by how stocky they look). Next, cut the plant off from the mother plant carefully so that you don’t damage any of the roots. Make sure to leave as little residue behind as possible.

Spider plants are an excellent houseplant that can be propagated from both cutting and offset. With little care, these lush green suffer’ll fill quickly into a well-developed plant with many leaves.

Do Curly Spider Plants Like to be Root Bound?

No, curly spider plants do not like to be root bound. When you notice that the plant in your pot is starting to look cramped, it’s time for a transplant. Make sure there are drainage holes and use an absorbent well-draining soil mix!

Root bound plants are those where the roots grow tightly together and you can feel them underneath the surface of soil. Root-bound plants aren’t always bad. They can get more nutrients from the top layers of soil.

But if it goes on for too long, there could be problems. Nutrient deficiencies could happen in other parts of the plant. So it’s important to watch for signs that something might go wrong and then take steps to fix it.

Root bound plants are at risk for stress and may struggle to take up water or nutrients. If you overfill your pot with soil when repotting, it can lead to leaves turning yellow and wilting (and eventually death). This is because the roots won’t have enough room in the pot.

If you think your plant is root bound, it’s important to act quickly and transplant it into a larger pot. With proper care, your plant should recover and start to thrive again.



Bonnie curly spider plants are a great addition to any home. They are easy to care for and come in a variety of colors. If you are looking for a new plant to add to your collection, the Bonnie curly spider plant is a good option.

Make sure to watch out for diseases and pests that might affect your plant. Take steps to prevent them from becoming a problem. With proper care, your Bonnie curly spider plant will thrive for years to come!

Do you have a Bonnie curly spider plant? What tips do you have for caring for this plant? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

