Peperomia Graveolens: Care, Propagation, and More

Are you looking for a plant that is both beautiful and easy to care for? If so, then look no further than Peperomia Graveolens. This vine is a great addition to any garden or house!

In this guide we will discuss everything you need to know about growing it, including the best soil to plant it in, the best location, and how often you need to water it and fertilize it. We will also cover how to deal with pests and disease.

General Care for Peperomia Graveolens

This is a beautiful and easy to care for houseplant that originates from South America. It has large dark green leaves with wrinkled texture as well as producing small white flowers. If you want a garden but don’t have a lot of time, this is a good choice. It will need water sometimes, but it won’t require a lot of maintenance.

This succulent doesn’t need a lot of water and can also tolerate low light conditions, so you’ll never have a problem finding a place for it that is bright! Be careful when watering your plants.

You don’t want to give them too much water, and you also don’t want to wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again. Make sure to not let any pests or diseases take hold of your plants, either. This will require some easy care on your part. [3]

How To Care for Peperomia Graveolens

How To Care for Peperomia Graveolens

This plant is small and has green leaves. You can put it in many places because it is the perfect height. Here are some tips on how you should take good care:

  • The plant needs bright, indirect light. If you have low-light conditions in your home, place the cacti near a window so they can get more sunlight and grow better.
  • This plant’s soil can tolerate drought well and does not need much water. Allow the surface to dry out completely between watering for best results.
  • It doesn’t need much fertilizer. Once a month is plenty. [3]

Sun Exposure & Light Requirements

If you live in a place that has warm weather all year long, then your plant won’t need as much sunlight. You can also place this near windows with indirect light instead of direct sun exposure for optimal growth!

The plant, Peperomia graveolens, is not well-suited to cold temperatures. In the wintertime, if the temperature falls below 50°F (15 °C), leaves will start turning brown and then fall off because they are weak and cannot handle low oxygen levels caused by an increase of carbon dioxide. If your home or place has colder winters, you can prevent this problem from happening. The light from these sources is not as good as natural light, but it will still help the plants grow.

If the leaves on your plants are starting to turn yellow, it means they’ve been getting too much light. To help them thrive, you should move them to an area with more shade or water them when necessary. [2]


It does not require much water. In fact, too much can be detrimental to the roots of your beautiful bouquet! When watering your plants, make sure that there is no need for mopping afterwards. You will only want to give them light mistings from an empty spray bottle.

Don’t forget to water the plants in their own pots or planters too. If they are more exposed than other plants, you might need to let them sit overnight before giving them another round of water. But don’t give them any additional liquid supplementation unless it is raining or humid outside.

Potting and Repotting

If you want to plant Peperomia graveolens in your garden, make sure the roots don’t get too long and stay in one pot. To avoid overwatering just go up one size when repotting.

Potting and Repotting

When you repot a plant, start by gently removing it from its current pot. To transplant a plant, loosen the root ball and remove any loose or dead roots. Then, put the plant in new soil that is moistened so there is no risk of the plant dying from moisture oria. Water your plants slowly and steadily over the course of three days.

Be careful not to water them too much at once, because if things get too wet they may never dry out again. Let nature take its course, and only water your plants gently during each day.

If you think your plant needs more space or water, try to avoid repotting it as much as possible. If you don’t, the roots might get damaged. [2]

Temperature and Humidity

If you don’t provide enough water and soil birth, this succulent will die!To make sure your peppermint stays happy, mist it regularly or put it on its own tray with balls (aquarium rocks).

The ideal temperature for this succulent? Between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit! If you live in an area with cooler winters, move your peppy green friend into an indoor location near windows that get a lot of light exposure during the warmer months. Make sure that the temperature never falls below 60F or above 80 externally.

In order to avoid cold drafts, Peperomia Graveolens should be placed in a location that is protected from them. If the temperature gets below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius), the leaves on plants will start turning brown and dropping off until they are frozen solid by frost.

To keep your Peperomia Graveolens healthy, mist the leaves regularly or set it on a pebble tray. You can also use a humidifier to raise humidity in the room- which is great for plants too. [2]

Peperomia Graveolens Care, Propagation, and More

Soil Requirements

They also need well-draining soil that is high in organic matter. You can either make a mix yourself or purchase one from a garden center.

Organic potting mix is made with ingredients like compost, peat moss and leaves. These materials improve drainage while also providing nutrients to help your plants grow. This can help prevent root rot or fungus problems in your garden!

Organic mixes, on the other hand, are made with ingredients like peat moss and compost. They are good for plants that like their roots to be moist. Inorganic mixes do not hold moisture as well as organic mixes.


To ensure your Peperomia Graveolens is healthy and growing, fertilize it every other week from March to September with a balanced fertilizer. You should also apply monthly installments of phosphorus-rich food so plants don’t dry out too much in winter.


With the right care, you can have a beautiful garden full of lush plants. It’s easy to take good care when everything has its place and feeding them is simple! Make sure to not put too much fertilizer in one spot. If you do, the roots will get burned and it will seriously damage your plant.

To help your Peperomia Graveolens thrive, use an organic fertilizer that is high in phosphorus. It will help produce more flowers and leaves. [2]


If you want your peperomia to be compact and full, it’s important that the plant receive regular pruning. If this happens often during growth cycles and you give the plant a lot of sunlight or water it well, then the plant will grow new leaves.

To prune your plants, you can use sharp scissors or shears. However, it is best not to cut away any dead leaves because they contain nutrients that are beneficial to your plant’s roots.

This plant is best pruned in the spring or early summer as it grows. However, you can cut peperomias any time of year if necessary.

Pests and Diseases

Mealybugs are pests that can be a problem for indoor plants. These pests feed on the sap of leaves and stems, which makes them wilt or turn yellow. You can try wiping your plants down with cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol. This may help to control the mealy bug population before it becomes worse than it is.

If you have outdoor plants, it’s important to control slugs and snails so they don’t cause any damage. One way to water your plants is to use a mixture of beer and water. You can put the mixture in dishes around the base of the plant.

The pests will be attracted to the alcoholic scent, which will lead them into drowning themselves while seeking solace from their normally vinegary diet. Just make sure there is enough liquid near or on top of them, but not too close together as these creatures can tooth quite easily if left unchecked.

Root rot starts in wet soil. The fungi spores grow and thrive in the wet soil. They can cause the roots of plants to die. This will make the leaves of the plant wilted and then it will die.

If you want to avoid root rot, make sure your plant has good soil, water it correctly and remove any dead or dying leaves from the top. You can also try using a mixture of beer and water to control pests and diseases, which can help prevent root damage.


If you want to get a plant growing quickly, you can take stem or leaf cuttings from an existing peperomia and put them in pots with moistened potting mix. Make sure your new cutting has drainage holes to prevent flooding the roots and killing it! You should place the babies near bright indirect sunlight for about 8 hours per day. Once they start to grow, you will see that they have grown healthy stems that go up instead of across. This is a good sign!

Growing your own pepper plants is so much fun! You can take advantage of their versatility by planting them in water or soil. Once the roots have grown a few inches long, you may want to transplant the cutting into an individual pot so it can keep growing. Make sure you take care of it and give it love, since it was born from love.

General Care for Peperomia Graveolens

Peperomia graveolens is a versatile plant that can thrive in many different environments. With proper care, it will grow and flower for years to come. [1]

Stem Cutting

To get a stem cutting, all you need is some sharp knives and rooting hormone. You can create new peperomia graveolens plants by cutting off several inches from the top of an existing one and removing any bottom leaves so that there is no dirt attached to them.

This will leave you with healthy roots intact. Store your ornaments in potting soil that is filled with just enough moisture. Do not add too much water, or else the ornaments will grow fungus. Put these small greenhouses on windowsills that get a lot of sunlight. The greenhouse will stay warm in the winter and people can see it in the summer. [2]


To get started on your Peperomia Graveolens journey, you will need to purchase some seeds. Seeds can be found at nurseries or online. Fill the pot with soil up to ½ an inch from the top. Sow the seeds in the soil and make sure that it is well draining. The soil should be moist but not too wet. The seeds should start to germinate in 2-3 weeks. Once they have germinated, you can plant them outside.


When your peperomia plants have two sets of true leaves, it’s time to transplant them. These little guys are delicate, so take care when moving them. Make sure to move them in individual pots or containers that have well-draining soil. Water your tree regularly and keep the ground moist but not too wet. Roots will grow quickly, so in no time you’ll be able to make new friends by sharing this delicious fruit.

Peperomia graveolens are not heavy feeders, so you only need to fertilize them about once a month. You should use fertilizer that is diluted by half the recommended strength during the summer months when plants grow quickly. [2]


Can You Grow Peperomia From Cutting?

Peperomia is a great plant for starting from cuttings. Cutting the stem allows you to easily root it and get your new plants growing quickly in water or soil!

To take a stem cutting, use a sharp knife or pair of scissors to cut at a 45 degree angle just below the leaf node. The part of the tree where the leaves are attached is called the “leaf.”

The leaf is typically located near the top centerline height on each branch. However, you will need to use your own judgment to decide which side of the leaf will produce better results for yourself.

To help your plant’s roots grow healthy and strong, dip the cut end of its stem in rooting hormone powder or gel. This will help the little babies grow straight down into the soil where they need to be.

To keep your cutting moist and happy, fill a small pot with a well-draining potting mix. Make sure there is enough soil or sand to cover the base of the plant. Gently insert the plant’s tip into one side, then press down on all sides until it is even.

The depth of the soil or sand preference varies depending on how big each variety of plant grows, so don’t worry if some parts stick up. Water the plants lightly before you put them away for a day. This will help them recover from being outside.

How Long Does it Take for Peperomia Cuttings to Root?

The time it takes for pepper plants to grow roots can vary depending on their age and how mature they are when planted. You will know if your cuttings have taken because new growth should start appearing in six – eight weeks!

What is the Best Time of Year to Propagate Peperomia?

To grow a healthy peperomia, it is important to take into account the time of year you plan on propagating them. The best time to sell your home is in the spring or summer. This is because it will be easier for the buyer to transition into their new environment and they will be able to establish roots more easily.

Why are my Peperomia Graveolens Leaves Closed?

You may be experiencing too much light or low humidity. To fix this, move the plant to a location with indirect sunlight and make sure there’s adequate water available for it (plus good air circulation!). One possible explanation for why your plants are dying could be the temperature. If the leaves are dried out and don’t respond when you touch them, try moving them to a different area where it is warmer or cooler. If that doesn’t work, then you might need to get new plants.

The leaves on this plant are unique because they have red veins running through them. The Peperomia graveolens is semi-succulent. This means that it doesn’t need as much water as other plants, but you still need to be careful not to let the soil dry out completely. Failing to do so could cause root rot issues with your plant.

Where Do You Cut Peperomia to Propagate?

Get your cutting knife ready and remove just below a leaf node with a sharp instrument. If you can, try to place the stem pieces into water right away. They will need to steep for 15 minutes before being planted in soil or pots.

To propagate peperomia by division, carefully remove the entire plant from its pot. Use a sharp knife or your hands to divide the strawberry into two parts. replant each part in its own container with fresh soil. Be sure to water them before adding more soil. Once they are replanted, new growth should appear soon.

How Do You Make Peperomia Bushy?

The answer is simple: by pruning it regularly. Although you can allow the plant to grow unchecked, regular pruning will encourage new growth and help keep the plant compact and bushy. You can prune it anytime it needs a trim, but late spring or early summer is the best time to do a major pruning.

Start by cutting back any leggy or overgrown stems. Next, cut off any dead leaves or flowers. Finally, shape the plant by trimming any stray or out-of-place leaves. When you’re finished, your plant should look neat and tidy.

If you want to encourage bushier growth, you can also try pinching back the tips of the stems. Pinching back encourages the plant to produce more side shoots, which results in a fuller plant. Just be sure not to pinch too hard or you’ll damage the stem.

Do Peperomia Like to be Root Bound?

Peperomia plants do not like to be root bound and will actually suffer if they are. It’s important to repot your plant every few years to ensure that it stays healthy. You can tell when your plant needs to be repotted because the leaves will start to droop and the stem will become weaker.

How Often Do You Water Propagate Peperomia?

Peperomia graveolens is a succulent plant, which means that it does not need to be watered as often. You should wait until the soil is dry before giving your peppermint another drink.

The time between when you water your pot plants will depend on how large the pot is and what kind of climate/location the plant comes from. If the plant comes from a place with a lot of rain, then you might only have to water it once every two weeks. But if it’s from a dry climate, you might have to water it once a month or even less often.

If you live in a hot and humid area, your Peperomia graveolens will need more water than if you lived in a cooler area. You can tell if it is time for a drink by feel.

To keep the plants healthy, be sure not to overwater them. If the leaves of a plant get too much water, they will droop and become thin. This happens because the plant is not getting enough nutrients. If this happens, you can remove the excess water using a watering can or other means, before letting the soil dry out completely between watering sessions.

Can I Propagate Peperomia in Moss?

Yes! To propagate in moss, simply put some of the spongy material into a bowl and allow it to soak for about five minutes. Once the soil is saturated, you will know because there will be excess water.

Squeeze out all of the liquid from inside before gently pressing on top with fingers or knuckles. This step should cause any remaining dirt particles between cracks to come out. Make sure not to overtighten!

Keep the soil moist but not soggy. After a few weeks, you should see new growth emerging from your cutting! At this point we can transplant it into its own larger pot for maximum performance and beauty.

Useful Video: *Peperomia Graveolens Plant care and Propagation*


Peperomia graveolens is a plant that doesn’t need a lot of care and can live in many different environments, making it perfect for any home or office. By following these simple care tips, you can ensure your peperomia stays healthy and happy for years to come.

Have you tried growing peperomia? What has been your experience? Let us know in the comments below!

